The One

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It was a typical Friday night at home as you got ready to sit down with you boyfriend of four years and watch your favorite show together: Rick and Morty.

Usually when Chris is home from filming or doing press tours, this is what you did for your date night on Friday and you absolutely loved it. You loved staying in at home, ordering some food and pigging out on the couch to watch the show.

Of course over the years you both had seen all the episodes already, but because you enjoyed the show so much and spending time laughing together, you figured it would be a good idea to start the series all over again.

"Foods here Chris," you called from the kitchen as you began to grab some plates and napkins before heading into the living room; Dodger hot on your trail. "Don't even think about it Dodger," you teased the tanned fluffy dog. "The last time you snuck a piece of pizza you had raging diarrhea for two days! I'm not going to clean up that mess again."

Chris rounded the corner just in time to hear you teasing the dog and he let out a boisterous laugh; his head dipped back and hand at his chest. "Oh my god. I remember you telling me about that over the phone when I was filming."

"Oh ha ha. Laugh it up. You were away filming while I had to follow this butthead around all day as his shit practically leaked from his asshole." Your comment only made Chris laugh harder and he fell to the floor, clutching his stomach as his face turned red.

Shaking your head, you smiled at your boyfriend, loving his laugh and how easily you could both make each other laugh in return.

Once settled on the couch, you both dug into your pizzas as you hit play on the remote, starting up the next episode.


Chris looked over to you, his eyes bright with love as he watched you laugh and giggle throughout the episode, even though you had seen the episodes with him more than once.

He thought back to your first date and how you both admitted your love for the show. In that moment he just wanted to take you back to the house and stay up all night watching Rick and Morty. You were the first girl he found that actually liked the show.

The night went on and soon you were snuggled up against his side, your head leaning on his chest and he felt complete; your soft giggles making him have a constant smile on his face.

After one particularly funny scene that had the both of you nearly rolling off the couch in a fit of laughter, he peered over at you through his thick lashes and knew; he knew you were the one.

"Marry me," his words shot out so fast, but he didn't care. He wanted you by his side the rest of his life.

Your eyes grew wide, staring at him. "Wh-what?"

"I'm serious Y/N. Marry me. Please. I don't have a ring right now, and I know this isn't a romantic way to propose but I love you. I love you so much it hurts when I'm not around you. When I'm away filming, it's as if a piece of my heart is missing. Just hearing your laughter and seeing you smile makes me feel like I'm doing my job to make you happy and I want to continue doing that for the rest of my life."


You were shocked when the words left his lips. You didn't care that he had no ring, or that this wasn't done in some fancy restaurant or surrounded by all your family and friends. No, this was the most perfect proposal you could have asked for. Just you and Chris, together, alone.

Tears sprung to your eyes as you excitedly begannodding your head. "Yes," you cried withjoy, "yes I'll marry you!"  

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now