Workout For Charity

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It was a particularly raining day in Los Angeles when you found yourself scouring the internet at random. Upon finding an article, you immediately perked up seeing that it was an article about running an obstacle course with celebrities for Chris Evan's charity 'Christopher's Haven'.

As you read through the details, it looked as though all you had to do was donate through a specific link, and each 10$ donated would get you entries. Chris Evans of course was going to be one of the celebrities running the obstacle course with one of the winners but there were also many of his Avengers co-stars also. Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen and many more were to participate.

Looking around your small apartment, realization struck that this was a great way to spend some of the money your grandmother had left for you after she passed away. You had a great job, and lots of money in your own savings account, and since you always had a soft spot for charity, you thought this was a great idea.

After submitting your desired amount, you went back to scouring the internet before heading off to bed.


Three weeks later you had checked your email like you normally did when woke up. This time there was an email from the contest you had entered for 'Christopher's Haven'. Upon opening it, you screamed in delight to see that you had won! "No fucking way!" you giggled as you jumped out of bed and did a happy dance.

After calming down you read through the details. It said that each participant would arrive one week before the actual event where the winners would spend time with the celebrities and could also take advantage of a state-of-the-art gym to help get ready for the event. The celebrity pairings with the winners weren't mentioned but everyone would find out on the first day of the gathering.

Over the next couple of days you prepared for the event by taking that week off work and getting some new workout clothes. You weren't one of those people, who lived at the gym, but you weren't completely lacking in the athletic department; having played lots of sports growing up. Luckily the contest was taking place here in Los Angeles so you didn't have to worry about travel; and even though you lived close enough, it would be nice to get out of your small apartment and stay in a nice hotel for a change.


You were standing around a large room with 11 other people; the other winners of the contest. It was nerve wracking not knowing who you were going to be paired with for the completion; but it was going to be fun, you just knew it.

"Hello winners!" a man announced as he came to stand in front of the group; everyone cheering in excitement. "I hope you are all excited to be here today and for the entire week really. Tomorrow things will get started. I am going to post a list of which winner of the contest will be paired with which celebrity. Tomorrow there will be a celebratory breakfast in this room here of the hotel where you will finally meet who you are paired with. From there, the two of you can make a plan of attack and figure out how you want to go about spending the week leading up to the big event!"

The announcer tacked the piece of paper to the wall as everyone rushed over to see who they were paired with; everyone but you. Taking a few deep breaths, you slowly began to walk over to the squealing crowd. You stayed back, waiting for people to disperse before finally walking up. Placing your hand on the winners' names, you went down the list until you found your name. Looking to the right, you saw who you were paired with; Chris Evans himself. Your heart jumped in your chest as both nerves and excitement raced through your body. You would have been happy with any of the celebrities, but Chris? Now you were eager to get tomorrow started!

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