Chris Evans-Dangers on Set Part 2 of 6

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The next morning you found yourself being rudely awoken by a near constant pounding on your door. "Ugghhh, I'm coming," your morning voice not sounding at all sexy as you tore the covers off your warm body. Shuffling to the door, you opened it.

"Get up sleepy head. We leave in five minutes to go to the set!" Kendra exclaimed with a smile. Her hair and makeup wasn't done, but she still looked immaculate.

"Five minutes?" you asked in frustration. "A warning would have been nice." You were not a morning person at all, and to be told you only had five minutes to get ready before going to a movie set made nothing easier about this early morning.

Kendra furrowed her brows, crossing her arms across her chest. "That's not really a nice way to be appreciative Y/N. After everything I pulled to get you a free stay here, you're going to give me attitude?"

You turned your gaze down, not wanting to look at your best friend. Letting out a sigh you replied, "You're right Kendra. I'm sorry. I'll be out in five minutes."


You shut the door, wanting to scream at her behavior. In a way, she was right. She was pulling strings to get you a free stay and for you to be on set at the movie. But she could have at least warned you last night what time you should have gotten up. And attitude? You weren't giving her any attitude, she was the one who seemed to have become a completely different person.

After splashing some water on your face, you brushed your teeth and threw your hair into a messy bun. You threw on a pair of skinny jeans and your favorite band t-shirt before grabbing your purse, hotel room key and phone.

Kendra was already in the hallway waiting for you when you opened the door. You hopped in the passenger side of her car and you two headed toward the set, Kendra yapping away the entire time. She talked about who from the crew she liked, and who she didn't like. Even going as far as to criticize in every way why she didn't like them. This wasn't your best friend you grew up with. No, this girl was someone entirely different from the lovable and carefree Kendra you were used to.

You were sat in her trailer as she got her hair and makeup done; Kendra making everyone act pretty much like a slave. It was uncomfortable the way she was acting and yet now you felt guilty by association for being her friend.

There was a knock on her trailer door before it opened. "Chris!!!" Kendra squealed in a high pitched voice, her hands reaching out for him to come to her. Your head snapped up from your phone as you saw Chris come into her trailer, looking ever the gorgeous specimen he was. You had seen his movies but those movies did nothing for what he looked like in person.

"Hey babe," he greeted her with a kiss and a smile.

Kendra pulled away from him, a pout on her face. "I can't wait for filming to be over so you can shave off this scruffy mess. It doesn't look good on you and it makes my face itchy." You quickly placed your hand over your face, turning your gaze back to your phone, not believing the audacity Kendra had to call out her boyfriend like that in front of everyone.

Chris scoffed, his voice lighthearted as he tried to push away her words. "Who's this?" you heard him ask.

"That is my dear friend Y/N. She just found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her after she moved in with him, and then she got let go from her job. So I offered her to come stay with me on set. Aren't I a saint?" Kendra shrilled with a smile. You instantly became mortified; Kendra spilling all your secrets to not just her boyfriend, but Chris Evans. Your face became heated while your left hand anxiously scratched at your exposed neck.

Looking up you saw Chris standing close to you, guilt written all over his face. "Chris, it's nice to meet you," he said , a slight smile on his face and you could tell he was trying to make you less embarrassed.

"Y/N," you replied with a forced grin. "Big fan of your work." His eyes lit up when you said that, a genuine smile appearing on his face and you nearly melted in your spot. His face was covered in the perfect length beard as you got lost in his blue eyes.

"It's always a pleasure to meet my fans," he replied with a wink, causing your heart to skip.

Later that day you had watched from behind the scenes as Kendra was filming. It had been really bothering you, the way she had changed, her attitude and demeanor towards not only you but other people. At first you assumed she was stressed, but you quickly realized that wasn't the case. In fact, it seemed like she had gotten worse over the day.

"Hey," someone's soft voice broke you from your thoughts. Turning your head you saw Chris standing there next to you with a smile on your face.

"Hi," you quipped.

"So how are you liking being on the set."

Gazing around the set you nodded your head. "It's pretty amazing actually. I've always loved movies so to be able to see what happens behind the scenes is pretty cool." The two of you stood there, close together just gazing into each other's eyes; almost like a coy game to see who could blink first.

"And cut," the director called, both you and Chris turning your gaze away from one another. Kendra came racing up to Chris, tackling him into a hug as she began to kiss him with fervor, practically licking his face off. Your brows crinkled before turning the opposite direction; not wanting to witness that kind of activity, especially because it seemed like Chris was trying to pry her off of him.

"Baby!!!" Kendra finally pulled away from attacking Chris' face. "What did you think of my scene? I think it was the best one I've ever done! The emotion I was able to pull into myself was pretty incredible."

You felt a pair of eyes on you and you turned your head, seeing Chris' eyes darting between you and Kendra. Kendra's eyes snapped in your direction before placing a scowl on her face. "You weren't paying attention to my scene were you?"

His face was tight as he turned to face Kendra. "Babe I'm sorry. I was just talking to Y/N here and was welcoming her to the set."

Kendra stomped her foot like a child, throwing a tantrum which made your eyes grow wide. "Chris I TOLD you I wanted you to always watch me scenes! You've been in the business longer than I have and I want you to watch me so you can critique me and make me better! Ugh!" she stormed away from Chris but not before grabbing your hand and dragging you away. You looked back to Chris, giving him a small wave good-bye, your heart aching for the way she just treated him yet again in front of everybody.   

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum