A Little Bit of Wisdom

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"Don't be nervous babe. I'll be there when you go under, and I'll be there when you wake up," Chris squeezed your hand gently, but it did nothing to stop your racing, nervous heart.

After years of putting it off, you finally decided to get your wisdom teeth taken out; and you were beginning to regret your decision. They had never bothered you before, but you knew it was for the best to get them extracted. Luckily, Chris has been in that situation before and he even encouraged you to get it done in Boston, by his own father.

You had met his father a few times and you instantly liked him; which helped you make up your mind to get them taken out by him. To you, it was all about being comfortable with your doctor or dentist, and Chris' dad definitely made you comfortable; just not this situation.

Like many people, you've always hated the dentist. It was something you could never understand, the people who actually liked the dentist. The drills, the noise, it all got to you and your heart had been racing with nerves since the moment you woke up; not even getting a decent night's sleep.


"Well, good news is you only need two of your wisdom teeth removed Y/N," Dr. Evans said after taking a look at your xrays. "You will still need to be put under anesthesia since they are not only on opposite sides of your mouth, but one is on top, and the other is on the bottom. It will be a fairly easy procedure so you have nothing to worry about."

Chris squeezed your hand again as your chair began to lean back. "I just need you to breath normally and before you know it, you will be waking back up and it will all be over with," the nurse said.


"Sweetheart, it's all over," you faintly heard Chris' voice as you became conscious again. Your head was fuzzy as you groggily opened your eyes. Looking around, you were confused at first until you realized where you were. With the smell and the chair you were sitting in, you realized you were at the dentist.

Looking to your right, you saw an impeccably gorgeous man holding onto your hand; giving you a glorious bright smile.

"You're pretty," you said as it was muffled by the cotton stuck in your mouth.

The man laughed so hard you couldn't help but giggle yourself. "Thank you," he responded with his beaming smile, "but I'm nothing compared to how gorgeous you are."

Your eyes widened as you looked into his baby blue eyes. "You...you think I'm gorgeous?"

Another bark of laughter came from his throat, and deep from his chest as he shook his head in disbelief. "Are you kidding? You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on!"

Dr. Evans came into the small room in that moment. "How are you feeling Y/N?"

"This man thinks I'm gorgeous? And have you seen him yourself Dr.? He is the gorgeous one! Look at how pretty his eyes are. And his smile. Holy shit is his smile pretty!"

Dr. Evans chuckled at your words. "I would hope he has a pretty smile. I helped him with that."

"Damn you did a good job! Any woman would be lucky to wake up to a smile like that everyday."

"Well consider yourself a lucky girl, since you are dating him."

You looked between the gorgeous man and Dr. Evans. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'M dating this gorgeous person?"


On the way home, the anesthesia began to wear off and you realized how much of a fool you made of yourself back at the dentist office; but Chris assured you that he would never hold it against you.

Once you got back to his condo in downtown Boston, he helped you get relaxed in his bed. You only had been laying there a few minutes before the tears began to fall from your face. With the anesthesia and the Novocain wearing off, your mouth was really starting to hurt.

"Baby what's wrong?" Chris asked with concern as he sat down by your side.

"I'm hurting," you cried out, feeling foolish.

Chris rushed out of the bedroom before he was back in a flash with a cup of water and a bottle of pills. "Here, these are your pain pills." He helped you sit up, placing two pills in your hand. It was hard to open your mouth as you winced at the pain. You slowly swallowed the two pills before relaxing back in bed. "Do you want to watch a movie?" You nodded your head as Chris came around the other side of the bed.

He cuddled up next to you as 'The LittleMermaid' began playing on the TV.      

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now