Let Down

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It was tough dating an actor, especially when said actor was Chris Evans. You had been with him since before he got the role of Captain America. And now, six years later his status was full blown. The two of you had talked marriage in the past, but nothing was set in stone. Your relationship was great, with or without having the marriage title.

Lately things had been rough between the two of you. Chris had not meant to seem distant as it was just a part of his job. Yet you spent one too many lonely nights at home, just waiting for a phone call, a text, anything. Even on the days when he was at home, not filming, he would sometimes go out with friends and not bother to let you know he would be home late.

The year that Chris had adopted Dodger, he asked you if you would be willing to quit your job, so you could stay home with Dodger and also so you could spend more time with him travelling for movies. You had spent a long while thinking about it, but in the end, decided it would hopefully only better your relationship.

It was two weeks until the Oscars where Chris would be presenting. Not once did you ever badger him, or beg him to take you as his date, but just last month he asked you to join him. You had been ecstatic, overjoyed and you spent an entire week looking for the perfect dress to help compliment him on the red carpet. Because the two of you had been dating for so long, your relationship was no longer secret and luckily his fans adored you.

The week leading up to the Oscars, Chris seemed stressed and you did everything in your power to comfort him; just like usual.

"Just relax Chris. Take a deep breath," you coaxed as you began to rub his shoulders, a soft moan escaping his lips. Your fingers dug into his tense muscles while his head relaxed on the back of the couch. "Tell me what's going on babe?"

Chris let out a loud sigh, clearly frustrated with something he was battling in his mind. "It's about the Oscars," he replied. Your hands faltered on his muscles but you quickly started back up again.

"What about the Oscars?"

"I forgot that I promised to take Carly this year. She's never been and I feel like shit." Your heart relaxed as you realized how much he must be hurting. He loved his family more than anything so he must feel heartbroken breaking a promise to his sister. "I'm sorry to make you back out at the last minute baby." His words hit you like a punch to the gut; your hands stilling before removing them from his shoulders. "Are you upset with me?"

You were sick of being second best in his life. Knowing full and well he loved his family, and you loved his family too, but lately it seemed like you just weren't good enough for him. Tears began to blur your vision as you turned and walked away from him. "Y/N, baby wait!" Chris called out for you but you refused to listen as you walked into the bedroom.

Pulling out a suitcase from the closet you began to pack a few necessities. "Y/N what are you doing?" Chris asked in worry, standing next to the bed where you continued to pack.

"I don't think I can do this anymore Chris," you replied with a shaky voice.

"What are you talking about? What's the matter?"

You paused, moving to stand towards him. "I get that you're a big shot actor now. I get that your family is important to you. I get that you have responsibilities to uphold. But what about me Chris? Why do I have to come in second place? I've never complained about how you are never home when filming. I've never complained when you go out with friends instead of having a quiet night in with me. But I'm putting my foot down now. I am sick of being let down one too many times."

"I love you Y/N. You know that! Don't leave me...," he trailed off and you could see the sadness in his eyes. But it was too late.

"I don't know if I can continue being the second best in your life Chris. Not after six years with you." You wiped the tears from your eyes as you watched Chris' own tears fall from his face.

"I'll tell Carly that I'm taking you instead. Just please, don't do this," he begged.

You let out a dejected sigh, shaking yourhead. "I just need some time Chris. Take Carly to the Oscars and enjoy yourtime. I'll....I'll talk to youlater." With your suitcase in hand, youwalked around him and out of the house. Getting in your car, you started it up and backed out of the drivewaybefore heading onto the road; nowhere to go.     

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now