Holy Crap

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You watch the stand outside. We took in all the girls into out beautiful town. As you stare at the group of boys one catches your eye. He had jet black hair and green eyes, a sniper rifle was slung over his shoulder.

"Holy crap". You mutter, he's just so hot and cute. You decide to go down with Amy. They watch you both walk towards them. Amy hands a pie to a old guy with a beard and it looks like she's about to talk to the boy but she just walks right by. He looks so rejected right now.

You walk up to the boy and smile at him. He blushes and looks at you, awkwardly.

"Hi im Y/n". He smiles back.

"10k". He casually leans against there vehicle. You blush and look down at the ground.

"So what brings you all the way out here"? You ask, looking back up at him. He sends a galnce to the old man and he gives a nod.

"Well we sorta have to cure for mankind in that tent over there". He points to a round tent, the one Amy went into.

"Really"? You ask. He nods his head and smerks.

"I swear to god im telling the truth". You scrunch up your nose and smile.

"Huh. Well guess you guys are lucky". He shakes his head.

"He's a complete ass". You laugh.

*Docs pov*

That girl seems really interested in 10k and he seems like he likes her. He's really hitting it off with her. She leans forward and listens to what he's saying, and rests her hand on his chest.

She laughs at all his jokes even though they all suck.

*Your pov*

You hear the gates open and you turn your head to see a truck driveing towards you. You wave goodbye to 10k and get in with them.

*10k pov*

I walk over to Doc, smiling. He raises an eyebrow and I laugh.

"If your wondering, yes I do like her. Im thinking about asking her to join the group". Doc smiles at me.

"Good for you"! He says. I blush and look at the ground.

"She's just so beautiful and great! Plus she's really funny and she has alot of experience with fighting". He laughs and pats my shoulder.

"You got a crush on her! She definitely likes you". I shoot my head up and look at him.

"She does"? He nods his head.

"You can tell! She was listening to you and laughing at your jokes even though they sucked. She's totally into you". I smile and think.

*2 hours later*
*Your pov*

You come out to say bye to 10k before he leaves. He smerks at you as you appear him.

"I just came out to-". You were about to talk but he interups you by grabbing your hand.

"Will you join the group"? You hesitate but then you nod your head.


I know the ending was boring but whatever. I hope you liked this chapter.

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