Aubrey and Liam's Visit

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*Chapter 65: Aubrey and Liam's Visit*

*Aubrey's POV*

Liam and I walked slowly down the hallway towards Ariel's room. It is hard to see Liam like this. Yeah Liam has not been himself since the band broke up, but this was different. His pain was visible. You can see it all over his face. I feel so bad for him. Yeah I'm Ariel's best friend and I have known her basically my whole life, but to relationship those two have is special. Whenever we're at a concert or at an interview, I always see them sneaking off to go for a walk. Or I always see him gently give her a kiss on her forehead before protectively putting an arm around her. It breaks my heart seeing him like this. I really hope Ariel makes it, because if she doesn't I don't think he will either.

*A few minutes later*

A few minutes later, we finally arrived at Ariel's room. Just as the two of us were about to enter the room, Liam stopped dead in his tracks.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked with concern.

Liam immediately shook his head no as tears started flowing down his cheeks once again.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay." I said pulling him into a hug.

After a few moments of him crying into my shoulder, we finally released.

"Are you ready to go in?" I asked as Liam nodded as he wiped away his tears.

"Alright." I replied.

Walking into the room beside Liam, I immediately gasped as Liam started to to silently cry once more. When we walked in, I immediately saw my best friend lying there, hooked up to all these machines, bruises everywhere. It hurt me to see her in this condition. At this point I'm standing beside her bed, taking this all in.

A few minutes later, I noticed that Liam was still standing by the door. He stopped crying, but was showing a ton of emotions all at once. But the one that stood out the most was all too familiar. He was starting to revert back to his old ways. Before Ariel was lying here in the hospital bed, Liam was starting to make progress. He was starting to look happier. His whole face would light up every time Ariel walked into a room. But seeing her like this, Liam is going back to his old ways. Where his eyes were constantly dull. Where it seemed like there was no life in him.

"Hey, why don't you pull up a chair right next to her?" I suggested.

Liam hesitated for a moment before walking over. I pulled a chair over to the other side of the bed and Liam said down and immediately grabbed her hand, not taking his eyes off of her.

*An hour and a half later*

So Liam and I have been sitting here for an hour and a half. Liam has been sitting in the same position since he sat down. Every so often I want to suggest that we go out to the waiting room and let someone else come in and spend time with her, but I'm too scared too. I'm scared he might break if someone makes any sudden movements. I want to text Simon, but I don't. I want Liam to have as much time with Ariel as he can.

A few moments later Simon catches my eye when he suddenly starts waving in the doorway.

"I'll be right back." I tell Liam softly. He just nods as I walk past him.

I quickly exit the room and quietly shut the door.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I just came by to see how it was going in there." Simon replied.

"Well, Ariel is pretty banged up, but she's not awake yet." I told him, but I know that's only half of what he wanted to hear.

"How's Liam doing?" Simon asked.

"Not good." I said bluntly.

"What do you mean?" Simon asked with concern.

"Seeing Ariel like this is really not helping his depression. I feel like he's becoming more reserved than he was before Ariel and him started to become close." I say honestly.

"Are you serious?" Simon said in disbelief.

"Absolutely." I said without hesitation before I continued. "Simon, he loves her. I can see it every time he looks at her."

"I know. I can see it too." Simon replied.

After a moment of silence, Simon finally spoke.

"Why don't you guys go to the waiting room. The others are getting restless." Simon suggested.

"Try telling that to Liam." I told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Liam has been sitting next to Ariel, holding her hand, staring off into space for over an hour and a half. He hasn't moved an inch since he sat down. I don't think you're prying him off of her any time soon." I explained.

Simon just sighed in response. I knew this broke his heart as much as it broke mine.

"Fine. Let's go see who wants to go next." Simon said as he started down the hallway with me following closely behind.

I've never wanted something more in life than for Ariel to wake up.

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