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Name: Y/N
Age: 16
Gender: girl
Brothers/sisters: none
Other info: mother and father don't pay Much attention to her and she works really hard for her own things but her parents snatch all her money away
————————————————————it was morning and you heard your parents arguing like normal downstairs.
you knew that they were talking about, money .
because they were always talking about that (that's why they snatch your money)

You got dressed and walked down stairs.

Dad: Y/N why are you here can't you see your mother and I are talking about something important.

You said nothing and walked back to your room and you layed on your bed.

Y/N: *sighs* I hate my life.

Y/N: I guess i'll go the normal way down then..

You opened the window and started gliding down on the rain pipe (you did it many times before so it's not dangerous anymore).

You walked to your work and you were just in time.

>Time skip to after work (choose your own job and imagine it).

You walked home and saw the light on downstairs so you decided to climb up the rain pipe.

Once you were in your room again you saw your mom standing.
Y/N: h...hi mom.
Mom: why did you sneak out?
Y/N: I needed to go to work.
Mom: why didn't you say so?
Y/n: because you and dad were talking and I didnt want to disturb you.
Y/N: w..what why?

she walked out of the room and you grabbed some of your stuff and walked downstairs.

Dad: get in the car mom is waiting outside.
Y/N: o..okay.

You walked outside and when you were outside your dad slammed the door behind you, you walked to the car and saw your mom looking at you with a death glare.
Mom: GET IN!!

You got in the car your mom started driving and you didn't know where she was going.
After a few HOURS
Your mom opend you door.

Mom: go outside sweetie and i'l come outside too, and take your stuff with you.
You got out of the car and as soon you got out your mom closed the door and drove away realy fast.


your mom's car was in the distance and you didn't see it anymore.
You looked around you but you only saw trees and forest.

You looked around you but you only saw trees and forest

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Y/N: uggh it looks creepy

You picked up your bag and started walking into the woods. maybe there was somebody walking that could help you.
You were already walking for a long a** time and you didn't find anyone

???: hey what are you doing here are you lost??Y/N: yes I am lost can you maybe help me????: how did you get lost?Y/N: ehmm well my mom sort of  abandoned me

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???: hey what are you doing here are you lost??
Y/N: yes I am lost can you maybe help me?
???: how did you get lost?
Y/N: ehmm well my mom sort of abandoned me.
???: aww that's sad
???: well anyway what are you?
Y/N: what do you mean don't I look human like you?
???: so your human.
Y/N: yes what else do I look like a monster?
???: no well never mind that we'll meet again soon.

Then he ran off, like really fast.

Y/N: WAIT!!! Please don't leave me...

You were all alone again.

You decided to walk again for some time.
It was pretty dark already it was almost past midnight.
You saw in the distance a giant castle and you thought you could go there.

At that moment it started to rain a lot so you were running to the castle.

At that moment it started to rain a lot so you were running to the castle

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Y/N: wow it's so big.

You walked to the door and luckily the door was opend, you walked in and it was really dark.

You walked in a dark corridor until you bumped into something/someone.

???: hey watch out were you are walking.
Y/N: s...s.sorry.
???: hmm you smell so nice.
Y/N: ehmm what?

You suddenly felt someone touching your wrist and grabbing it.

Y/N: let me go!
???: nahh I'm not feeling like it.

You looked at the persons and there was a little light from some random candles

You looked at the persons and there was a little light from some random candles

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???: what's all the noise down here??

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