You removed Jin's hand.
You wish you had never done that.
Dead bodies.
The bodies were green and rotten and some of their skin was gone in some places.
I could smell how it stunk.
You felt like your about to throw up.
Jin: so this is what they done with those last ones..
You covered your mouth.
Y/N: last ones?
Jin: yeah the last of the people.. that disappeared.
Y/N: how long ago even was that..
Jin: a few thousand years.
Y/N: how. Can their bodies be so intact?
Jin circled his hand around his face.
Jin: vampires. We live almost forever.
Y/N: so they really did kill..
Jin: I don't think there is much else to look at. Let's go.
Jin pushed you back to the ladder and you climbed down.
Y/N: welp I guess next?
Jin: yup.
(Author: thank you next~)
You both walked outside this room.
And the next.
Jin: hmm.. I think this.. is Jackson's room.
He opened the door.
It was completely dark.
Jin: where is the light switch..
You walked in the room.
You didn't walk too far away from the door cuz it was so dark.
Jin: found it.
The lights went on.
The room.. was full of spikes.
Knives and other dangerous stuff.
Jin: yikes not Jackson's room..
Y/N: then from who is this room.. it's scary.
Jin: if I'm correct.. Jinyoung.
Jin: watch out while searching. Those spikes are not that weak.
Y/N: yeah yeah.
You looked around and you saw a chest in the corner of the room.
You carefully walked to it trying to avoid all the metal spikes.
You opened it carefully,
Then all of a sudden the lid jumped open.
Jimin: BOO!
You screamed and fell on the ground.
Jimin laughed evilly.
Y/N: aw.
You looked at your hand.
When falling your hand came on one of the spikes.
Y/N: Jin wasn't wrong that hurts.
You heard Footsteps behind you.
Jin: what happ-
Jimin: hey don't yell at me. I didn't come with the idea.
Then a bunny(Jungkook) came jumping out of the chest.

Living with 7 vampires
Fanfiction[will be rewriten soon due to poor grammar and other writing mistakes including mistakes in storyline] {go check out the youtube version if you like~ } Who is in control? Green...