Chapter: 65

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Y/N: which one..?

You looked at all of the mirrors..

Y/N: she said these are memories.. or at least the past..

You stopped in front of a mirror.

You stopped in front of a mirror

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Y/N: so.. is this of their past..?

You touched the mirror.

And just like other mirrors.. it was like water.

You took a glance at the other mirrors..

Especially the one with the castle.

Y/N: i'm also wondering what that one is...

You looked back at the mirror in front of you.

Y/N: i guess i'll take a look inside here.

You first putted your hand through it.

And then climbed inside the mirror.

This time you weren't in a bubble before you ended up on the other side.

You were standing on the street..

You looked around.

Y/N: these buildings

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Y/N: these buildings... look old.. but they are intact..

You looked at your hands.

You were again blue and see-through.

You sighed.

Y/N: how is this a memory of them..?


You heard someone yell behind you.

You turned around to see what was going on.

There were a few kids running your way and they had some bread and apples in their hands.

They looked familiar..

And there was also an man running after them.. probably the owner of the food.. or seller.

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