Twenty Five

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If a person seems wicked do not cast him away. Awaken him with your words, elevate him with your deeds, repay his injury with your kindness. Do not cast him away, cast away his wickedness.

-------Lao Tzu


wedding day

I was all ready sitting in my room with a red envelop in my hand. I stared at it for few seconds thinking of my Isa, the girl who never loved me back. The girl who was a lier, who played with my emotions, girl with an innocent face but a sly fox inside.

I didn't understand why I always remembered her. I didn't know why I couldn't forget her. And today I was going to marry Isabella, a woman with her name and her character. She was just like her. Having a baby with someone she didn't even know or say she didn't even remember. What a whore!

To be honest I haven't Isa. I knew I hate her but I love her too. I tried million ways to forget her.
I indulged in drugs, had sex with almost every girl near me hoping it would make me feel better but I was wrong. I was devastated. I felt so lonely crying to death in front of my mom. Mom remained silent. She never spoke anything.

Nothing made me feel better in these ten years. I never got that happiness from anyone else. But that girl, she left me. She didn't even try to contact me and when I tried to contact her she sent me this envelop.

How could she do this to me? How could she? If she never loved me why was she with me? Wasn't I enough for her? She even changed place because she didn't want me to court her.

"Alex" There was a knock on the door and I went out to see Robin standing there in a different attire.

"What are you wearing?" I asked him coldly.

"It's your wedding bro...I thought I would be groomsman." He winked.

Oh yes! Its my wedding. How could I expect him to be in regular bodyguard uniform.

Robin, Mr. Johnson's son, my brother from another mother. When my life was total hell, Mr. Johnson helped me and I got all my dad's savings. I left New York and admitted myself in Harward University at Washington D.C . My dream of becoming a choreographer crashed away.

As the car stopped, the jerk brought me back to the reality. I stepped down and walked to the alter with my rented groomsmen. Mr. Reynolds warmly welcomed us.

As I stepped at the alter my eyes landed on a boy who was writing something on a piece of paper. As he looked up I realised he was Eric, my soon to be wife's son, my soon to be son.

As soon as he noticed me he jumped up from his chair and ran towards me, making my heart melt after so long. He looked so cute in his little black suite with a pair of blue eyes and brown hair.

"Hello, tall man!" He still taking his hand forward for a handshake.

"Oh! Tall man." I frowned as I shook hand with him. His little pretty hand was soft as a fur. His smile, his hair, his cute blue eyes and a funny way of naming people took my heart away.

"Yep, you are tall uncle." I giggled.

"Well didn't you bring me cupcakes today ?" He asked with an innocent smile.

I picked him up in my arms and kissed his plum cheeks. "Sorry little boy ! It just slipped out of my mind."

His smile died as soon as I said that.

"Hey! What happened?" I asked him.

"My papa is coming home today. I thought I'll give him my cupcakes so that he'll never leave me again." He said with sad face.

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