Thirty Nine

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I don't know what it is about you. May be it's the way that nothing else matters when we are talking, or how you make me smile more than anyone else has. It could be the way you so right things at exactly right time. but whatever it is I just want you to know that it means everything to me.



I don't know what was wrong within me ? I was behaving stangely. I couldn't control myself around her, even when she was not even trying. I don't know what freaking hell was I thinking and I kissed her. I feel so embarassed. I don't know how to face her tomorrow. I was acting too weird getting those dimpleplasty pamphlets, envying Sabestian for his dimples.

I suddenly felt so protective for her. I don't know if it's like I just realised my husband duties. But no it's not the case with me. I don't know but there's somthing in her orbs that attract me so much to her. And I can't help it. I just really can't. I was being an idiot again. I was going through the same feeings, the same excitement, same fear, same insecurities.

Seriously what was I trying to do with those dimpleplasty pamphlets. I was not being my normal self. I don't know where the things were taking me but I really don't mind if I get my peice of mind.

I don't know but I got so much peace after a long time when I cooked the dinner for her. Watching her rub her hands and eat heartily made me go back to my past. But I wasn't sad anymore. I was smiling to myself. Was I okay ? I don't know why I asked her to stick ice cream on her lips. I don't know why I kissed her. Something inside me yelled at me and made me do all those things which I normally won't do. I couldn't refrain myself from kissing her red fuller lips. They was perfectly curved. The way she smiled, the way she talked, the way she chew the meatloaf, I kept noticing her curvy lips. Her green glittering eyes sparkled everytime she looked at me like looking at me makes her happy. I couldn't not overlook the fact how her cheeks turned fifty shades of red when I kissed her. The fact that she kissed me back made my smile wider.

Does she likes me ? Does she feel the same tension which I feel nowadays ? I know nothing and I curse this nothing. I closed my eyes and all I can see is her beautiful face. Her beautifully curved eyebrows, her glassy green glittering eyes, her wide forehead, her cute nose, her fuller curvy lips, her pretty little chubby cheeks. Goddamn ! Why am I going this crazy ? I am going through the same feelings again.

Would it hurt ? What if she turns out to be like her ? What if she doesn't ? I can't think this way. I'll have to stop this feeling. My mind controls me. I don't have a heart. I can't feel for anyone. I have to be strong. I have married her for a deal and I need it anyhow. I don't want anything else out of this marriage ?


Everytime I looked at Alex it brought a smile on my face. I couldn't help but admire his features. He was sweet but looked like his heart was broken. Deep down I was broken too. I know the pain when heart shatters into million peices and doesn't even makes a single sound.

After the kiss he was quite changed. It looked like he regretted the moment we had. I wanted to go to him and ask the reason but may be I was thinking too much. He might be tensed due to work. Yesterday night he came home late and did not even talk much and rarely smiled at me.

I didn't dare to ask him many questions. He looked tired too so I didn't bother him. He went to his room straight and slammed the door shut making me jump at my place. Somthing was definatly wrong with him. May be I'd ask him tomorrow.


Next morning I woke up with my cellphone ringing. I picked up the call without even checking the caller ID.
"Hello" I said in groggy voice.

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