Episode 14

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While I was hugging Crystal, Kaylie was giving us a death glare with tears in her eyes. I was looking her with my eyes full of madness. Suddenly, Mr. Clint and Mr. Jhonas came in. Mr. Jhonas looked at Crystal who was crying. He quickly went to Crystal and spoke.

"What did you do!? Are you crazy?!" Mr. Jhonas madly asked Kaylie.

"This wouldn't be happening, if this bitch didn't steal everything from me!" Kaylie shouted, and she attemptedly attacked Crystal, but she was blocked and held by Mr. Clint, and Mr. Jhonas moved gis body, and hid Crystal.

"What did she steal that you have to do this!?" Mr. Jhonas asked as he went back to facing Kaylie.

"She stole Liam from me! She stole my popularity! She stole my title from Pretty Look Contest! She stole my honor role! And she stole my classmates' attention! She stole everything!" She shouted, while trying to attack again, but she was held by Mr. Clint.

"Go back to your classes, while you stay here! I will talk to your parents, and we will expel you from this school!" Mr. Jhonas shouted, as Crystal and I went to our class which was English. When we entered the classroom, there was no teacher but students.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" Alleisha shockingly asked, as she ran to Crystal, who was still like a statue 'til now.

"Honey, are you okay?" Alleisha asked Crystal, as she cupped her cheeks. Suddenly, Crystal cried again.

"Shhhhhh~" Alleisha comforted her with a hug. She caressed her hair. She pulled away, and helped Crystal to sit down. I headed to my sit, and watched her. It hurts me seeing her like that. Everytime she would stop crying, she would just stare straight and shut up. She's really traumatized by that Psychotic Girl.

The teacher entered, and started to teach our lesson. I guess she heard about what happened. She started teaching our lesson, but the problem is I can't focus. All I can think of is Crystal. If she's doing fine. If her wound is hurting. If she's crying or what. While I was deep in thoughts, someone suddenly entered the room. We all looked at the door, and saw the parents of Crystal with Mr. Jhonas, Mr. Clint, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Kaylie and her parents.

"Good afternoon Ms. Ilaine. Sorry for the interruption , but this is important, so would you mind?" Mr. Clint interrupted respectfully. Ms. Ilaine nodded, and Mr. Clint went in front and spoke.

"Good afternoon, students! So we have some news for you. Ms. Kaylie will be expelled in this school, for she had a bad attitude. As you can see, Ms. Crystal isn't talking at all, all she does is cry. She's traumatized, and hurt by Ms. Kaylie. For a punishment, we will show the footage and expel her. We agreed on this. Crystal will be at home for awhile, 'til she gets better. So here's the footage." Mr. Jhonas said, and the footage played.

Everyone was gasping at everything that happened. Suddenly, I saw Alleisha hugging Crystal. She's crying again. I went beside her and hugged her. I took my chair, and sat beside her. Alleisha and I comforted her. After the footage has been shown, all our classmate started to give Kaylie a bad stare.

"For now, Crystal will go home and rest. Since her parents will go overseas tonight, we decided that Liam will be with her. We saw how Liam take cares of her. Now Liam, help her pack her things, and come with her parents." Mr. Jhonas said. I nodded, and fixed Crystal's stuff. Her mom went to her, and hugged her with tears in both of their eyes. I got her stuff ready, and we went out. I opened the car door for her, and drove her home.

When we arrived at her house, I got her door keys, and I opened the door. I assisted her, and we went upstairs to find her room. When I found her room, I helped her lay on her bed, and I opened the aircon. How did I find her room? Her door had her name on it. I covered her with her blanket, and I closed everything except for the aircon. I closed her curtains, her lights, and her door.


I was sitting on my bed, when my room door suddenly opened, revealing Kaylie entering my room. I was frightened, so I backed up and screamed, but she held my hair, and kept on pulling my hair, then she kept on slapping me hard. She then hitted my fresh wound with her hands . Suddenly, she revealed a pocket knife. She pointed it to me, and she stabbed me 30 times. Suddenly, she revealed a gun, and she shot me 12 times.


I was downstairs, when I suddenly heard screaming from upstairs. I was sure that it was Crystal, since it was just the two of us here. I quickly ran to her room, and I opened the door. Seeing her screaming while her eyes were closed. She was having a bad dream. I was tapping her, but she wasn't waking up. I started shaking her, and she finally woke up. She hurriedly sat up and hugged my tight like she was scared of something.She cried on my chest. I hugged her back, and rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Shhhhhh! You're okay now. You're safe." I comforted her, and she kinda stopped sobbing. I was now slightly tapping her back, for comfort and for her to fall asleep. She was sniffing and sniffing, which I found adorable.

After a fe more slight taps, she became heavier. I looked at her, and she was asleep. I carefully laid her down, and covered her with her blanket. I was about to leave, but someone spoke.

"Sleep with me. I'm too scared to be alone." I heard Crystal talk. I turned to hear, and saw her eyes clearly opened.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. She nodded. I smiled at her cuteness. I went beside her, and went under the covers. I closed my eyes, and was about to sleep, but I suddenly felt an arm that wrapped arpund my waist. I peaked to where the arm was, and saw Crystal hugging me. I turned my body to her, and reversed our position. No I was hugging her like she was mine. She fell asleep on my arms while her head was rested on my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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