The Runner.

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I have never considered myself to be a very athletic or fit person, but my views have recently changed. Since the world went to shit that is, dead have taken over, consuming everything in their path. I mean literally consuming, the main food source other then animals, is us, the people left behind. The ones that are have been made to fight and survive, every god damn day.

We aren't just food for the dead either, a camp I once came across had tried to eat me, I wasn't having that though, barely made it out alive. I don't trust people anymore, at least I know what the dead are after, people are more unpredictable now days. Keeping to myself has been the smartest decision I've made so far, no emotional attachment then.

It hadn't always been this way though, the first group I was with from the beginning, my father was in charge, people looked up to him because he was a marine before all this. He died saving a family, I left them shortly after that, taking my fathers ACR and Desert Eagle .44 and heading out on my own.
(Photo above of ACR, will show Desert Eagle later on.)

It's times like these that I wish I had someone to talk to though, when the big herds of dead come along, normally having to hole up somewhere and making my rations last for as long possible. It's these times that I train to make sure I'm in good shape for when it's time to leave.

It's been about three years of me being on my own and fighting off the dead and delusional people, I have yet to find a group that is sane and willing to take me in without any sort of sexual favour. I just want to work for my keep and survive for as long as possible, my father taught me to never give up.

My mother taught me how to defend myself in sticky situations, unfortunately she died as the outbreak started, I assume she did anyway, my father and I never found her when we went looking. I just hope it was quick for her and that she didn't have to suffer, as anyone would want.

Lately I'm just running from town to town, trying to stay ahead of a massive herd, having no food or water to out last in hiding, most towns have been stripped clean by now. I run along the side of the road always, cars have been known to sped past not caring what they hit anymore.

I come across a decently sized town, I pull my Desert Eagle out as I pass by buildings, trying to make sure nothing is going to come out and jump me. I spot signs up ahead displaying grocery deals that were happening before the outbreak, I sigh at the signs. I may as well check it out, see if there are any stray cans of beans or even some corn. 

I slip into the grocery store through a back door, quietly searching around in the darkness, I tap on one of the shelves, no sign of dead inside. The grocery is not overly big, so I'm guessing it was classed as maybe a deli or a place to quickly pick up dinner before all this happened. I quickly search around looking along all the shelves for food, I pull out an old can of spam and some sardines. I screw my face up, but know better then that as food is food, I don't get to be picky about these things anymore.

I find two bottles of old water, I pack the items away in my bag, I head over to the medical supplies only finding a single pack of bandaids and a bandage that rolled under the shelf. I was about to leave when I hear the front door open and close. The chime of the little bell going off, I flick the safety off of my Desert Eagle, there's silence for a while, but I refusing to move from my place to prevent myself making any noise. I hear the bell chime again and shuffling of feet.

"Anything in here do you think?" A young mans voice breaks the silence in the store.

"I don't think there is." A much deeper male voice responds to him.

"Looks like a great place to hole up for the night. Don't you think Kev?" The first male asks Kev.

"Yeah don't look too bad, go let the others know to bring our stuff inside." Kev says as he walks about the front of the store. The younger male leaves the store, but Kev starts walking around the store looking for stuff. With each step he takes, I take one too heading back to the back door.

When I make it to the door I realise, he will hear it as it opens, but I don't have time to wait as he is getting closer to the end of the aisle. All of sudden I hear the chiming of the bell again and a bunch of people starting to walk in and setting stuff up, they all sound male. I take this as my chance to turn and push the door open, I sprint as fast as I can away from the store.

When I turn to look back I see the man now known as Kev watching me from the door, the look on his face is absolutely terrifying and predatory. I continue to run away, knowing that they will not follow after me as it is getting too dark and the dead are more active then. Something to do with the cool night air.

I find a small house to hide in, hoping I'm far enough away from those men, it seems odd that there was only men in their group. I'll have to leave early in morning if I want to stay ahead of them and the herd heading straight this way. Sometimes I forget that they are even coming after me, then the wind changes direction and I can smell it.

Tomorrow I will leave early and ditch this old ghost town for good, hopefully I do not come across those men again.

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