Yes, I Will.

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Dwight and I get ready around 7 o'clock, waiting until it's completely dark outside. I take all my guns and as I dig in the bottom of my backpack, I find the leather jacket I found all those years ago. I shrug it on and check myself out in the small mirror.

I frown at the dirty bandage still on my hand, I uncoil it and reveal a very pink healing wound, the skin so thin it wouldn't be hard to tear. I wash my hands of the dirt and rewrap my hand just in case.

Dwight leads me out of his room, his hand against my back as he takes me to see Axl, he's staying in a room not too far from Negans'. I enter quickly and see my little boy sleeping in a bed way too big for him, he looks so small and pale.

Negan isn't here which explains the men waiting out the front of the doors to keep an eye on him. I sit on the bed beside Axl, brushing his hair from his face.

"Oh my poor Baby. Mummy loves you, I need you to know that. Mummy needs to go for a little while, but I'll be back shortly. You rest my little man, I'll be back tomorrow." I kiss his little forehead and stop myself from crying, knowing that I am doing this for him.

I walk over to Dwight and he wraps me up tightly in his arms, kissing my hair softly. I breath in his manly cologne and the smell of tobacco, letting it sooth me.

"Let's go Baby." Dwight places his hands on my cheek and neck to tilt my head up to look at him. He leans down and gives me a quick kiss, it is only brief and he makes sure I'm ready before we leave.

We leave the Sanctuary and he grabs his bike pushing it out the front gates quietly. Dwight nods to the man on guard one of his allies I realise. He pushes the bike through most of the town, I take down the stray dead pricks to protect him.

Dwight stops pushing and stands beside the bike, about to start it up, now that we are a decent distance away from the Sanctuary.

"Dwight, wait before we go I just want to say thank you, you're risking everything for me tonight and I don't know how to make it up to you. Time now is so limited and I never know when I might die, but I just want to say that I'm so grateful to you." Dwight sets the bike on the stand and comes around to me. He sighs nervously, before taking a rather deep breath.

"I was going to wait to do this, but you are right, time is very limited. We have a baby on the way and that's something I've always wanted. I want to be a father, have a family, have a wife." He strokes my cheek, he gets down on to one knee and my heart thunders in my chest.

"Clare May Aven." I smile as he remembers my middle name, having trouble controlling my excitement.

"Will you marry me?" Dwight asks, revealing a simple white gold diamond ring, a nervous look in his eyes as he looks up at me waiting for my answer. I nod my head tears of joy sliding down my cheeks, this is everything I've always wanted.

"Yes, I will." Dwight slides the ring on my finger with a shaky hand, before standing up hurriedly, his lips meet mine. Our arms end up around each and he lifts me up, spinning me in a circle, I can't help but giggle.

"I wish we could celebrate this more, but we should go." Dwight tells me against my lips.

"You will just have to make it up to me later then." I pull out of his arms and he seats himself on the motorcycle, he starts it up and revs the engine. I bite my lip, loving how sexy he looks right now, my fiancé.

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