Fight or Flight.

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I pull my ACR up getting ready to shoot if need be, I pull my hunting knife out to, just in case one of the dead get too close. I look to Negan for instruction, this is a dangerous place to be right now and it's only getting worse.

"We need to get out of here. We can either move the shelf or break that glass window." I say quietly gesturing to the big store front windows, I watch as he weighs up the options, deciding on what to do.

"Make a decision. Or I will." I tell him firmly, he looks towards the shelf and starts to head in that direction. One of the other men that are with us, is already almost there, he stands up and starts pushing the shelf, trying to move it out the way.

A dead prick appears out the aisle and lunges at him, tearing out his throat, blood pours from his wound, his screams hit me to the core. I notice the other dead pricks all heading over to him, creating a better path toward the window.

"Fine, I'll make one." I rip Lucille from Negans tight grasp, I rush towards the store front, the bat raised over my shoulder ready to swing. Once I'm close enough I send Lucille crashing through the glass, I turn my head avoiding the glass getting me in the face.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" I toss Lucille back to Negan and he catches her easily, I pull my ACR up and unleashing round after round on the dead pricks getting to close for comfort.

Negan and his other two men, rush over to me climbing out the window, I follow suit laying down cover fire, as the dead are now just as interested in us as the fresh kill inside.

My gun shots ring through the streets as we run, trying to find somewhere safe to go,  Negan and his men fire at the dead too, trying to keep them off of me, I was quite surprised to find that I was the best shot here. I guess I have my father to thank for that, if it wasn't for him we would be dead by now.

"Keep fucking moving!" Negan yells at me as I stop to clear more dead out of the way, his two men take off down an alley, but we get cut off from them by the dead.

"Fuck, not this way. Go!" I shout pushing Negan, I see the tree line of woods just outside the town, I run in that direction, keeping an eye out for Negan the whole time making sure he is keeping up with me.

We run through the trees, I stop shooting my gun, as to not draw more attention to us, my lungs and legs are burning from all the running but I refuse to stop or slow down. I hear Negans heavy footsteps stumbling behind me, trying to keep up, I pray that he doesn't fall behind.

I finally get far enough that I think it is safe to stop, I hunch over heaving huge amounts of air into my lungs, fighting to catch my breath, I look around me and notice Negan is no where in sight, no sign of him at all.

My heartbeat picks up more so then it is already, and raging fear swells inside me at the thought of losing him. I charge back the way I had just come, searching for him frantically. Knowing I may be running into my own death, but I told myself I'd do anything to keep him alive.

My heart lurches into my throat when I see a dead pricks hand wrapped around his throat and another one rushing towards him, as others surround him. I pull my Desert Eagle out, firing a shot at the one holding him, I plunge my hunting knife into the head of the one charging at him.

He drops to his knees and I'm instantly by his side, standing over him and firing at the ones circling in. My Desert Eagle clicks, letting me know I've emptied the chamber, I rush at the last ones, hunting knife at the ready.

I force the blade into the last dead pricks rotting eye, ripping it back and kicking the dead prick away from me. I stand shivering, covered in blood, not sure if any of it is mine or just the deads blood. 

I turn around and crouch down beside Negan, lifting his head up, checking his neck for bites or scratches, I check over his body, finding nothing but bruises, and scratches from tree branches.

I draw in a deep breath of relief, my body still shaking heavily as the adrenaline wears off, I stand on unsteady legs and pull Negan up, guiding him through the trees. It is still not safe yet, more will be coming for us, we need to find shelter soon.

It's getting dark quick, my body is exhausted and I can barely hold myself up anymore, Negan sweeps me up into his arms bridal style, regaining some energy. He carries me through the woods, I point towards what looks like an old cabin, he heads straight for it.

Once at the door, he puts me down, hunting knife at the ready again, we open the door and sweeping the cabin, it is completely clear of the dead, the cabin is small, only one room really.

With everything in the one place, the kitchen off to one side, a sitting area near an old fire place, a queen bed on the other side of the room, the toilet must be an outhouse, outside somewhere.

Negan and I both barricade ourselves inside, making it safe enough so we can both sleep at the same time. Not that either of us end up getting any sleep at all, we are both too on edge, I fight with my eyelids to stay open in the early hours of the morning. Soon losing the battle and passing out from exhaustion.

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