Things that go bump in the night.

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All I can hear is voices, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or if I'm actually hearing voices or not. I open my eyes and it is still very dark, it must be very early in the morning still. I hear the voices again, they are male voices, two in particular sound rather familiar to me.

"Do you honestly think she came this far?" It is that younger mans voice again.

"Yes Mike, I do believe she came this far, she would be trying to stay ahead of that horde of Biters." Kev replies to him.

"Is she honestly worth it though, I know we have done some things to get some ass, but following her cross country?" A new voice pops up.

"Dan, I promise you this one is a babe, watching her run away, mmm got me all excited." Kev practically moans at the thought.

My heart rate picks up, I quickly roll up my blanket and untie myself from the tree putting everything away as quickly as possible. I then start to consider if I should climb higher and wait for them to pass or climb down and make a run for it. I decide it is best to make a run for it, if I stay and they see me there is no where to go, but if I climb down quickly I have a chance of getting away unnoticed.

I climb my way down the tree quietly, they still have not actually reached me yet, I'm surprised they made it this far by being so loud. Once on the ground I sneak my way forward, my steps crunching softly under foot, I cringe at the sound.

The voices are getting closer and I turn back to see if they are close enough to see yet, not wanting to get too much closer then I am already, after seeing nothing I know I have enough time to get away.

I turn back around and bump straight into a hard chest, of a rather tall and lanky man.

"Ello, there love, where ya think ya goin'?" My terrified eyes meet his wild crazed eyes.

"HEY BOSS! SHES OVER HERE!" He calls out to his friends, I slam my foot down on top of his really hard, giving me enough time to run. I hear their thundering foot steps chasing after me, they are cat calling and wolf whistling.

"Hey baby, there is no need to run, we just want to talk." Kev's voice yells out to me, I change directions suddenly instead of running straight I go right and head for the road. Trying to throw them off my trail, it quietens down and I can tell that they have split up, hunting me down like a pack of wolves.

I burst out of the trees and on to the main road, I stop when I hear no one following me, I drag deep, heavy breaths into my lungs, trying to catch my breath again. Suddenly I see headlights up ahead and the roar of that same truck from early, I decide to take my chance with the people in the truck instead of the ones behind me.

I go to run and get their attention, but somebody spear tackles me into the grass beside the road, my right side has searing pain from landing so heavily. The man rolls me onto my back and I see Kev's face, acting on some primal instinct to mate. He straddles my hips and pins my hands above my head, I bring both my legs up hard and fast kneeing him in the back as best as I can.

He howls in pain and I take this as my chance to roll him off of me, I stand back up and try to get the still distance trucks attention. Kev gets up and his friend Mike appears out of the tree line, Mike comes at me and I jump and kick him hard in the chest with my right leg, I knock him and myself off balance. Kev appears over me once more, this time he tears my shirt, exposing my bra underneath.

I throat punch him, he coughs and chokes, trying to breathe. Mike grabs my hands straightening my arms out so I cannot attack Kev again, I scream and struggle. Kev brutally beats me in the face and chest, for hitting him, he then makes an effort to remove my pants.

I hear the truck getting closer, its light shining on us and I pray that they stop and help me. The truck does stop, shining the headlights right at us, Kev and Mike are oblivious to it. They continue to try and get my clothes off, acting like wild animals finding food for the first time in months.

Suddenly a gun shot rips through the darkness and Mike collapses to the ground with a thud. Kev stops what he is doing and stares at Mikes dead body in shock, I let out a sob my body quivering under Kev's, just wanting this to end.

"Well. What in mighty fuck do we have here?" Another male voice calls to us, he steps out into the headlights, I tilt my head to look up at him, he is carrying a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it, over his shoulder.

"Fuck off man, this doesn't concern you." Kev growls to the man with the bat, I shudder at the sound, absolutely terrified.

"No it doesn't, but the little lady does not look like she's having fucking fun. Let her up and I'll show you a real fucking women." The man says adjusting his leather jacket casually.

"I said FUCK OFF!" Kev barely finishes the sentence when the bat is suddenly embeddened into his face, I let out a horrific scream. Trying to kick myself away from the gurgling Kev, the man pulls the bat out of his face and swings back across his face again and again. Until there's a headless man seated on top of me, I gasp trying to breathe, but I think I'm going into shock.

The man kicks Kev's dead body off of me, I instantly scurry up off the ground, getting distance between me and the man. I rush to pull my pants up quickly again, I make an effort to fix my shirt, but it is too badly torn apart.

"Sorry about that doll, he was not going to fucking move." He steps toward me slowly, I turn and heave, vomiting all over the ground.

"Easy there, Doll." He comes over to me and I guess to pat my back, but I recoil away from him, I cannot be have another man touching me right now.

"T-thank you, I don't k-now what I'd do if you didn't show up." I say thanking him knowing it is the right thing to do.

"I don't tolerate rape, I'd do it again any fucking day of the fucking week." I take in his slicked back hair and clean shaven face, he must have a base some where nearby.

"I'm Negan by the way doll." He says before walking over to the truck and getting in, he hangs out the window.

"You fucking coming or what? Those dead pricks would have heard that fucking gunshot."

I will my legs to move and rush to climb into the truck, trying to avoid looking at the two men that were just killed. I place my bag down by my feet along with my ACR, Negan starts the engine and does a U-turn driving the way he had come.

What he was doing previously I don't know, but I guess it wasn't as important as this.

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