Used to be Home.

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Back at the Sanctuary, I immediately head over to Axls room, desperate to see him, even though we were only gone for a day. Unfortunately we can't sneak in like we did when we left, we both decided our marriage would be the reason that we left if people ask us about it.

I sit beside my son and wrap my arms around his little frame, kissing his forehead over and over again.

"Mummys home Baby, I'm here for you. You can wake up now if you want to. Mummy has some news to tell you, but when you are ready. You are so brave my handsome little man." I whisper to him, missing him so much.

The door opens and closes and I turn to see who it is, a moody looking Negan stands by the door. He comes over and sits beside me, watching our son.

"Where did you go?" I cringe, I was hoping to wait to tell Negan about it, but I guess now is as good as any time.

"I just needed to get away so Dwight took me out." I say not quite ready to be out with it yet.

"You would just leave your son, because you can't handle things?" I bite my tongue refusing to let him get the better of me.

"Dwight proposed Negan, last night. I said yes, then I decided I didn't want to wait to marry him. Life is too fucking short in this fucked up world and I need to know Dwight will be with me no matter what." Negan is silent for a moment, I force myself to look at him and I see him staring at the rings I'm fiddling with in my lap.

Dwight and I were given wedding bands from the priest, we we're lucky they got them, it was like it was might to be.

"So we definitely are done then." Negan says softly, almost as if he had some hope of us getting back together.

"He makes me really happy Negan and he's honest with me. I will always be here for you though, I made you that promise. My son needs his father, I want you to think about that the next time you think about making this war worse." I tell him in warning, whilst being vague, hoping that he doesn't have to die.

"I just want my boy to open his beautiful eyes again, to swat me away when I give him too many kisses, to tell me all his funny stories." I say changing the subject and looking back at my son.

"I really want him to wake up too." Negan says sounding rather heart broken and I'm unsure if it's just about our son or that I'm married now or maybe even both.

The door opens and Dwight steps in, he stands tall and proud when he sees Negan.

"Baby, the doctor is ready to see you." I nod, kissing Axl once more and leaving my seat.

"Congratulations you two, you deserve it." Negans words shock me in place for a moment and Dwight thanks him for us. I step outside of the room and give him a small smile before leaving with Dwight.

Dwight and I walk hand in hand over to the doctors office, Dr. Carson sits me in the usual chair. We are actually here to get a scan for our baby and a picture, Dwight arranged it all as a wedding present to me. He tried to apologise saying it wasn't much, but I cried for ages after he told me, it's the best thing he could have got me.

"Alright let's get this show on the road." Carson says, bringing over the machine, the cold gel causing me to jolt.

"Now I'm under the impression, that it's a very recent pregnancy."

"Yes, about a week, I'm worried it's too early to see, but with everything going on, I wanted to try." Carson nods and starts the scan, searching for a moment.

The room is silent and Dwight holds my hand tightly, just as anxious as I am.

"Ah, right there, see it?" Carson points out a very small black spot that could only be my baby. Tears starts to well again, I hate how emotional pregnancy makes me.

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