Chapter 72

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I loved it when they ran! Our order was trying to make it out from the building we were in, but unlucky for him we'd tapped into the entire security system. He was running down the west end hall where Jason was. I pressed on my ear piece letting Jason know where our order was going. He accepted, heading in that direction. I took a turn suddenly running head on into a door. Ow crap! The middle of my forehead burned upon impact. A girl peeked out, shakily pointing a gun at me. She ordered me not to move or she'd shoot. I stared at her beginning to intensify my gaze with every second.

The girl was nervous as hell, starting to breathe hard. She screamed for me to get on my feet and put my hands on the wall. Who was this chick? I followed her orders, spreading myself out on the wall. She pressed the gun barrel to the back of my head as she patted me down searching for weapons. The girl found my Taser and switchblade and tossed them to the floor. She puffed air telling me get down on my knees. The sound of metal clanked as she removed a pair of handcuffs from her pocket. Alright, let's finish this. I kicked her shins ducking down as she pulled the trigger on her gun.

The bullet hit the wall beside my head burning the edges of the hole it created. She was going to shoot me at point blank! I grabbed her wrist, twisting the gun out of her hand then flipped her onto her back. She hit her head on the floor groaning painfully. I flipped her onto her stomach and used her own handcuffs on her. She had a Taurus, that thing would have blown my head off. My ear piece beeped before Jason began to speak into it. He was on his way over to where I was.

The girl squirmed under my foot, trying to inch her way to my switchblade. I pressed her face into the floor bending over to gather my stuff. She threw me off and glared at me spewing insults. I leaned back on the wall waiting for Jason. Off at the end of the hall was the sound of a guy arguing and grumbling. He rounded the corner dragging someone by the collar. He smiled when he saw me and dropped the guy next to the girl. We each pulled out a thiopental needle finally sedating them. All done! And in one hour, the best were back in business. We exited the building shutting off our bugs in the security system. This was the 5th order of the day. It'd been a pretty busy day and I was starved.

I convinced Jason to stop somewhere, then we decided to take it back to The Den so we could eat while filling out the reports. It was getting to be past 6pm, the sun wasn't setting so early like it had in the winter. We took up our stuff and sat in the 'secret' report writing room on the 56th floor, taking out the necessary papers to fill out. I opened my takeout and started to write my report.

"Come to dinner tomorrow night. Kyle is coming down again and Ryan wanted to make a dinner." Jason said, looking up from his report.

"Ryan is going to cook? Should I eat before I go?"

He snorted, dipping a fry into some ketchup from his takeout.

"Probably, if not you'll starve. Ryan is okay in the kitchen, haha, but no he was explicit about inviting you." Jason said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well, he knows about your dad, and he wanted to..."

"That's nice of him. Yeah I'd love to go."

I'd isolated myself and I'd gotten through the toughest of times, the initial shock and disbelief was gone. I'd come to somewhat accept his death, but now I didn't want anyone else I loved to get hurt. I was so happy that everyone I knew was working with partners. I'd be worried sick if they weren't. I signed off on the report starting on the next one. Jason was softly humming to himself as he filled out his report. We spent a few more hours writing reports then turned them into Dahlia.

It'd been such a long day my eye lids could hardly stay open, passing out felt real good right about now. The soft vibration of the car was lulling me to sleep, even having my face pressed against the glass felt comfortable. I was in a bit of a daze when Jason brought the car to a halt in front of my house. He lightly shook me awake before getting out of the car to open the passenger door for me. 

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