Chapter 87

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I slept for about an hour in Alyssa's room. The thing that woke me was a vibration in my pocket. It was Scott and he was calling me up for another order. I went into the bathroom to freshen up and then checked Alyssa out of her room. I felt better, well rested and my back wasn't hurting too much anymore. Bianca met me at the elevator once at The Den and we rode up together.

"You good?" she asked.

"Yeah, gash got taken care of." I replied.

The doors opened up to the 56th floor then we went to Scott's office. He was on the phone with someone when we walked in. He motioned for us to sit then wrote something down. As he hung up, he picked up a stack of files. They hit the desk with a thud. Was that for us?

"Yes, this is all for you. You are getting a three-week stationary job in Paris. You leave today in 20 minutes, there are suitcases waiting for you on the plane. You will return the week of New Years, if you keep to the order schedule which is right here."

He gave us two papers that had the recommended number of orders we should handle each day. We nodded looking it over.

"You should probably get going now so you can get a move on these orders. As always when we send agents overseas; take care of each other, each other, is all you have."

He dismissed us and we left to the airport. I wanted to text Alyssa to tell her, but right now was probably not the time. We had to get there fast. When I got to Paris I would tell her. She was probably working now anyway, she did say Lydia had an order for her. We boarded the plane and this time Bianca didn't sit so far away from me, there was now only one seat in between us.



I was seething with rage at this point. I couldn't believe Lydia made me freak out in order to put me in here! How did she know? I beat my fists against the pads of the room calling her out. She was going to talk to me. I wanted to know how long she had known about this and how she thought she was going to get away with this. I looked for a camera or a microphone anything to direct myself to her. There was a camera in the corner pointing down on me. I looked right at it and demanded Lydia come in here. A bright light shined at me making me pass out.

When I awoke again, I was strapped to a bed in a brightly lit room. Up top was a window with several people standing behind it. I squinted trying to see who it was... Lydia was there. She moved to an object and pushed down on it.

"What is the matter Alyssa?" she asked through a PA system.

My blood literally felt like it was boiling through my veins.

"Why the hell are you doing this to me? How did you even know?" I cried.

Through the speaker I heard her chuckle.

"We are the IIA. You do not take a shit without us knowing. I was keeping an eye on the both of you for a long time. I have known since your little meeting in Hollywood in October."

I tugged violently at my straps.

"You think Scott and I were not monitoring your trackers? We are not stupid, Alyssa. Even before that we sensed something strange between the two of you. You thought we would not notice that all of a sudden you were okay with the break up? We are profilers Alyssa; we can read people. And we read you like a kindergarten book. You lying little slut, I saw you. I heard you today, telling Jason that you loved him and there was nothing the IIA could do to change that. Do you still think we cannot do anything about it?"

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