Chapter 7

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After Dot was gone, Magnus closed the door and waited for Alec to come out the shower. He changed his outfit to his pyjama pants with no shirt and started to removing his make up. Alec came out and changed his clothes too without saying anything. Magnus turned to him "Alexander?", "mhh?", "look..Dot at me are just friends, she just hugged me, I don't want to fight because of this", Alec just make a "mhm" and layed in the bed. Magnus washed his face and joined him "Alec, look at me", Alec did, he seemed to be very tired, "please, don't be mad", "I'm not mad, I'm just jealous but I guess it's natural reaction when you see your man with someone else" said Alec and then smiled "I know you won't cheat on me, but I know how much others would like to have what's mine, I can't blame them, who wouldn't like to kiss Magnus Bane", Magnus smiled softly "but Magnus Bane only wants Alec Lightwood, so others doesn't have a chance", Alec kissed him "i didn't meant to react that rude, I'm just tired and" he yawned "i really want to sleep", Magnus stroked his hair back "then sleep my love", Magnus snuggled into Magnus chest and wrapped his arms around him. Alec woke up in the middle of the night because his heart felt like someone put nails in it. Alec sat down and gave himself a heart massage, Magnus who felt the loss of the warmth "Alec?" He reached for him "what's wrong? Are you hurt?", "a little bit", Magnus magiced the potion from the kitchen and gave it Alec to drink, it shouldn't've sooth the pain how Catarina said, Alec made a disgusted face and then layed back. Magnus kissed his cheek. He can't give Alec these potions forever. This has to stop. Magnus can't wake up with the fear that Alec won't. He can't lose him. He just can't.

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