Chapter 56

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Even two days later Alec didn't bugged Magnus about his confession but it didn't left him alone. Let's have a baby. It wasn't a simple mistake that you say when you inlove, it was something more. Much more. Even Clary noticed how quiet Alec was. He didn't stopped her when she was about to go on a mission only with Raj. Alec was sitting in his chair and looked out the window. At the end of the day, he walked home and when he opened the door, he saw Magnus cleaning the floor with his magic after he drew a pentagram on it. "Welcome home" smiled Magnus and wrapped his arms around Alec "how was your day hm? Tell me everything" he seemed to be in good mood and Alec smiled "my day was pretty boring, paperwork and some clave instructions, and yours?", "clients who are wasting my magic", Alec nodded and kissed Magnus cheek before letting him go. Even if it was a soft gesture, Magnus senced it. Something was wrong. Alec wore his jacket of and sat back on the couch rubbing his eyes "it's still smells like demon venom, I'll open the window to make the smell away" he said and opened the balcony. Magnus sighed and went after Alec who walked outside to smell the fresh air. "Alexander?", Alec didn't even pretended anymore that everything was okay, he was too tired "Magnus..please we need to talk about this, we always talk when something is happening, that's what we do but suddenly this rule didn't count when it's something you don't want to expain" he sounded meaner than planed and Magnus nodded "I understand, I'm sorry's just..", "You can't say something like that and then expect me to move on like nothing happens, I always, always want to know what's bothering you, I wanna comfort you, be here for you but you can't avoid our problems", Magnus bit his lower lip and sat down on the chair in their balcony.

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