Chapter 47

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Magnus eat the first portion "tastes very good, Maryse" he said, Maryse smiled at him, Magnus gave Luke a look "well and how about you and Luke? How it comes to you both? What could I miss all the time?", Luke and Maryse shared a look "well..I was attacked by a demon-", "WHAT?" Asked Alec but Maryse tried to calm him down "it's alright, Luke was with me because we were just talking and then he saved me", Alecs breathing quickened anxiously and Magnus stroked his hand "hey shh it's okay", Alec leaned back and closed his eyes while breathing in and out, "Alec, I'm okay" said Maryse "Luke was with me, then we were in some dinner and the next day he asked how I felt and then we started to meet each other", "That's a nice story" said Lydia, Luke nodded. Soon they were talking about something else, clave business, Izzy told some funny stories with Clary, Alec was glad that they were friends now. Then they all took a break before the dessert and meanwhile Alec went to the balcony for a fresh air. Soon after him came Magnus "are you okay?", "I'm fine", Magnus snuggled into his chest and wrapped his arms around Alec, the boy felt better immediately, Magnus had a magical effect on him, when he was with him, he calmed down. "Hey, look at me" Magnus layed his palm on Alecs cheek "I know all this is..surprising but for the better, trust me", "yeah, I guess so", Magnus kissed him softly and slowly, when Alec pulled back he finally smiled again and that was, what Magnus wanted.

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