Chapter 65

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Madzie came home in the morning with the hope her parents were already asleep. She had way too much party and forgot her time. Hannah left her alone to dance and then forgot about her too. Then Madzie just wanted to go home. She carefully opened the door, slipped inside to grab a glass of water and froze from the voice "come here, young lady!" Of course it was Alec, Madzie sighed and went to the living room where her father sat on the couch and with a angry expression waited for her. He had red eyes of not enough sleep and he looked more than tired. He looked old. His beard that he shaved once in three days showed white hair and on the side of his head were grey hair too. Just like her Papa. Alec used to tell her how Magnus gave his immortality for him. The epic love story of Magnus and Alec was quite known by downworlders because no one ever gave up his immortality for someone. Secretly she wished to find and love someone as much as her parents did. Madzie pressed her lips together and said "I'm sorry Dad, i forgot the time", Alec brushed over his eyes "Madzie, do you know how much time it is? The sun is barely up", "I told you-", "and you weren't picking up your phone, do you know how worried we were?", she sighed "I'm sorry", "Well you're under home arrest", "What? But-", Alec stood up "it's all your fault, no need to be angry at me, I'll gave you the responsibility to go home at the time I'll gave you", "oh come on Dad, as if you weren't a teenager!", "I was, and I was a leader of some missions, this is the responsibility that you can't fail, that's why you still can't go on mission, because you're not ready", "Don't come at me with missions" Madzie raised her finger up "you always told me that i can't go because I'm too young", "That too", Madzie growled and locked herself in her room. Alec shaked his head, his daughter needed to take consequences of her actions.

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