Chapter 69

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Alec and Magnus looks at the speech of Joe. Madzies husband. They were sitting on her wedding and smiling at their daughter who was shining from happiness. Alec liked Joe. He kinda remind him of Jace. Of four years dating Joe Madzie announced that they were engaged and Izzy was jumping around like crazy. Alec sadly couldn't do that but he hugged her tight, just as Magnus. Joe Kerring was a warlock, just like Madzie and Magnus wouldn't never admit that but that made him unbelievably happy. It was like a fairytale with they lived happily ever after ending. "You look so hot in this suit" Whispered Magnus to Alec who chuckled, it was kinda weird when two old men whispered those things to each other but Alec still looked good, even if he couldn't hide his age. Magnus on the other side, looked a little bit younger because his magic kept him going but old enough to look like Alecs husband, thank god. Madzie dances with Magnus while Alec and Clary watched. That was a hell of a party until Magnus and Alec went home. Alone. Just both of them again. When Alec looked around in the empty loft and Magnus hung their jackets of. Alec sighed "That's why they call it a circle of life", Magnus wore his rings of "What are you saying, babe?", "You know, the circle of life" he gestured around the room "parents raise a child, it's runs around the house then the child find his own home and parents are back alone again, just like from the beginning", Magnus thought about this "'re right, shall I make you a coffee, or what do you want?", Alec went to the photo that stood on the mirror, it was made on the first day where Madzie arrived at their family "I take just a tea, thanks" he said and brushed with his thumb over himself, did he looked like that earlier?
So...young. Without wrinkles beside his eyes, his hair fully black. He never looked at himself in the mirror for a long time but now..he kinda regret it. Magnus kissed his cheek unexpectedly "come on, tea is ready", Alec wrapped his arm around his waist and kissed his cheek.

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