Chapter 71

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Magnus looked around the hall while Alec's funeral. Clave representatives, Izzy holding on Lydia. Madzie was with her husband and Catarina wrapped her elbow around Magnus hand while they sat in silence and heard about Clarys speech. "Look at those fuckers" said Magnus grumpy to Catarina about the clave representatives "when someone asks them who Alec was they will say a warrior but never a husband ugh", Catarina caressed his hand "it's your turn, Magnus, do you really want or-", "no no I'm fine" said Magnus and stood up to go on the stage. Now every eyes were on him. Magnus breathed out and said "uhm" he cleared his throat "Alec Lightwood Bane was..he was my husband" he frowned "Yeah he was a good husband, and a good father but you know that..yeah, you all know that so I will tell something about love", Catarina shaked her head, "time" said Magnus "time is a killer, time is a true killer of us all, we can't stop time from-", "excuse me" said someone, a young man, Raphael stood up to bring the boy away but Magnus stopped him "Wait wait, let the young man speak, I want to know what he has to say", the young man stood up "you say time kill us but then why are you mortal?", Magnus stopped and started thinking about it while everyone watched him, "You're right" said Magnus "it wasn't the time" he looked back at Alecs covered body " was love, I did it because I love him", Catarina stood up and took him softly by his shoulders "come in Magnus, it's time to go", "no no no" Magnus tried to free himself "it's love, oh god I'm so stupid", Catarina tried to bring him away but Magnus sobbed "Aleeec..Alec...wait Catarina, wait, I have to- Alec, oh god Alec, it's love, do you hear was love, I'm so so fucking stupid, oh Alexander" Magnus voice broke while Catarina brought him away.

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