Arc 5 Ch 5.1: Selling Meng to the sickly Second Generation

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"Want to rest a bit?"


Dropping a sunflower seed into a little glass bottle, he carefully placed it with his black pillow admiring it for a moment.

"He wouldn't want to be waiting"

Transferring in 3, 2, 1

Transfer complete

Opening his eyes, Shuu felt like his world was upside down, cause it was.

Slowly twirling in a circle, Shuu observed the playpen around him. Sticks twisted in weird angles, a very big porcelain bird bath spouting water, grass mats, wooden houses and a big box full of balls.

"Come down here Oreo"

Crawling up the seagrass mat, Shuu's world returned to being upright. Walking down the strings Shuu reached the lady calling out to him in a kind voice.

"The sun finally let up, you can go outside today"

Humming a soft tune to herself, she put Shuu on her shoulder and walked down the hallway. The lavish design of Victorian chandeliers and furniture gave a homey feeling rather than arrogance or domination, warm colours and flowers were blooming in the gardens shown on by the morning sun.

"Aww, you're a little quiet today"

Scrolling through the birds original life, he seemed to know some standard words.


Cooing in aww, she twirled Oreo onto his back and rubbed his stomach. His proud grey wings flapped around revealing the blood red feathers at the tips.

Placing Oreo onto a little perch in the outdoor pavilion, the lady sat down beside him hand feeding him some seeds.

"Honey, how could you leave me like this!"

Bounding into the pavilion was a man in his late thirties, his hair was combed back with gel and he would've seemed like an imposing man if he wasn't wearing the most goofy smile Shuu had seen in a long time.

"Hey Oreo~~"

Rubbing Oreos head he gave Shuu a quick kiss on the beak.


Smacking the man on the cheeks, Shuu scurried away from the awestruck man.

"What's wrong?"

Shocked by Oreo's sudden rejection, the man stepped closer to the lady.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Maybe he just doesn't want your saliva all over his beak"


Hugging his wife, he pouted into her shoulder.

"But Oreo never rejects me!"

"Well there's always a first"

"Come on, Oreo do you love me?"



"Haha you've lost"

Holding her stomach, the lady tried to suppress her laughter.

"Come on LuoLuo, help me!"

"Alright alright"

Turning to Shuu, she reached out her hand to pat him. Shuu tweaked his head slightly before turning away from her and walking to the other side.

"... I've been rejected"

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