Part 1

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"Couldn't they just announce it on the speaker?? These heels are killing me"

"Stop complaining Alex. No one asked you to wear those heels anyway" snapped Eve. 

"James was gonna propose to me today, I had to make a good impression. You wouldn't know what it would be like hm?" she stuck her tongue out to Eve. 

I roll my eyes and chuckled at the sight of both of them bickering.

The principal announced that everyone had to go to the halls for some important announcement. Which was a hassle since I just laid all my books on my table to clean out my bag which meant I had to stuff it all back in and strut to the halls. 

We sat down at the seats arranged randomly and waited for the principal to make his announcement. 

"Good afternoon everyone. Hope I wasn't interrupting too much-" 

"Yea he did" Alex whisper-mocks. Eve and I chuckle in response. 

He went on and on about the school rules and we didn't pay much attention until he said-

"If you remember, every 2 years a group of 25 senior students get randomly picked to go to a high school for our student transfer programme for 3 months. This year we got the permission from Cali West High School"

The hall broke into whispers, the school was terrifically famous for it's well balanced co-curriculum activities such as clubs and sports along with outstanding academics. It was also a very laid back and relaxed school, yet it wasn't that simple to apply for it. So hearing this news, who wouldn't want to get picked to get in. 

"Silence!" the principal snapped. 

"Anyway, the names that I'm about to announce please stay for a short briefing while the rest of you may leave"

He announces the names that would be following along with the programme. 

"I really hope I get picked.. my cousin goes there and he said it's the best fucking school in the world" says Eve. 

"Sonia Will, Max Hunter, Ruby Hansel"

Heads dart towards me the moment he mentioned my name. 

"Oh my god, you're going to Cali West!" squealed Alex as she rapidly shook my arm. 

"Shh!" I say, half smiling.

"Oh whatever, the whole hall heard him announcing your name. No need to be so humble you lucky rat" Eve rolls her eyes. 

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