Part 17

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To say it wasn't an awkward moment after that was a complete an utter lie. We didn't know what to say to each other so she quickly left the shop, leaving her half finished chips with me. 

I paid for it and went back home. 

"So, how was it?" asks Hazel. She was in my room, probably waiting for me. I completely forgot she was the one that dragged me to the convenience store. Probably got bored and went home instead. 

"It was-"

"Before that, did you buy me snacks?" she asked with a serious expression.

"No" I sneered. 

Her mouth gapes open in shock. "Are you serious? That was the whole point we went there!"

"I-I just forgot, okay? Plus you can order food."

"We already did the last time!"

"There's no wrong in doing it twice."

"Fine" she huffs. "I'll order Chinese food or something. Anyway, continue." 

I told her all the details of what happened, as if I'm reliving the exact moment where I would cherish for the rest of my life. 

"Hold up your being too descriptive. So basically you made her taste barbecue chips without paying for it yet and she ended up liking it then you both insisted on paying it then you had a moment where you get to look at her face up close..."

"The way you say it makes it sound so simple when it really is not."

"Of course I make it sounds simple, as a listener I'm trying to understand it"

"Whatever. Go back to your room." I push her off my bed and laid down on it. 

"The least you can do is say thank you" she says offendedly.

"Thank you ma'am! Much appreciated" I said in a mocking British accent. 


Last period is APUSH. Thank god today is Friday, I don't think I'm capable of sitting in a one hour class with a teacher that won't stop ranting about Civil Rights. 

I'm in class several minutes early, well because I sneaked out of P.E which was the easiest thing in the world because Miss Pattinson only has eyes towards the front and nowhere else.

I sat in my seat, head in my arms contemplating whether or not I should ditch APUSH to chill out in the music room while eating vending machine snacks. 

The thought seemed better than any moment will spend in APUSH so I got up from my seat to leave when I spotted Ruby, a few tables away from me with her head in her books. 

I forgot I had APUSH with her, how can I forget something that important?? Without thinking twice I sat back down in my seat and decided against ditching APUSH. 

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