Part 9

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ethan's pov

I grab my bicycle from the lot and just as I was about to hop on it, Hazel runs up to me. 

"Is she the girl?" she pants still catching her breath. 

"Why are you so out of breath? And yes she is" 

"Oh my god! This is amazing!" she beams. 

"What do you mean by amazing? You know how long it took for me to get over my stupid crush towards her. Now she's back, I feel like I'm- thrown back to that hopeless phase" 

She rolls her eyes. "It's not a phase, Ethan. You know that. But can't you see that this is a good thing?? With the 3 months that you have, get closer to her and make her yours" she whispers the last part. 

I hop onto my bicycle and start cycling my way back home. 

"First of all, no I don't see this as a good thing. And secondly, she has a fucking boyfriend. She's madly in love with that dickhead and there's nothing I can do about it" 

"Well you know he's a dickhead then prove it to her that he is and show her that you can give her what she deserves. Aren't guys supposed to be competitive?"

"Wow you make it sound so easy to snatch her like that"

"You know how her heart works, go for it. These 3 months would pass by within a blink of an eye and before you know it she'll be leaving and you and your poor heart would be back to square one. Step up, Ethan"

I sighed at her wise words. What she said was definitely true, I'm not gonna lie. But this whole thing would requires a shit ton of patience and understanding. 

And I'm ready for it. 

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