Part 51

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"I'm such a fucking disappointment. I don't know what's wrong with me, I don't why I suddenly feel so pressured and stressed about everything when I never have before. I wanna know why I'm so demotivated this month." The tears never stopped soaking my cheeks. 

"Hey, as shit as it is it's okay to feel this way. I get it, you're stressed, you're tired. We all have our times so please don't hold back your tears. Cry it all out okay? You need an element of some way to let your emotions set free. Don't bottle up everything and please, I can't stress this enough but don't restrict yourself too much. You're so hard on yourself."

I look down in embarrassment but he held my chin up so I could look at him again. 

"You do know that if you ever feel down you could just call me. Like I said, I'm always here if you need a friend." 

I softly smiled. It felt like a while since I smiled that genuine. "Thank you."

"No problem" he smiles back and it warmed my heart. "Anyway, I got you food."

"What food?"

"Spicy ramen and Snoballs." He goes to the kitchen and took out the ramen from the plastic bag. 

"But I'm on a diet."

"Forget your diet. You need this, no exception."


"Ruby, fuck your manager and fuck your shit ass dance teacher. They can go to hell if they don't allow you to eat ramen just for today" he says. I hear him ripping the package open and pouring the hot water. 

I don't answer and he continues to prepare it for the both of us. Several minutes later he comes back with two bowls. 

"I thought you don't like ramen" I smirked.

"Well do you want to eat alone?"

"No" I quickly answer. 

"Good, because I would never and I repeat, NEVER eat something this spicy for anyone or anything."

"Ah I feel special" I teased. I really do. We pour in the sauce and we dig in. He was already chugging down the water on the second bite. I laugh at his desperate state. 

"It's not even that spicy" I laugh. 

"Unlike you, my spicy tolerance- is terribly low and- unfortunately I can't- do anything about it-" he pants. "Fuck! My tongue hurts."  

I laugh out loud. "This shit is so funny" I wipe the tears of laughter coming out of my eye without realising the sauce of the noodles is on my fingers. 

"Shit! The sauce is in my eye" I cried. Now it was Ethan's turn to laugh. 

"Now look who's crying in pain. Literally" he laughs. 

"Fuck you" I said and we laughed until we couldn't breath. 

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