Part 63

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Around 20 minutes to half an hour had passed by and the judges had finalised the marks. All the dancers sat backstage while I had to go back to my seat in the crowd. 

The award ceremony starts, all the judges and event organiser does their speeches and it was finally time for them to announce the winners. As usual, they started with the first division which was the ones the little kids competed in. 

I didn't really pay attention to this one, because well I didn't came for them anyways but I still clapped. 

It was time for Ruby's division, the final and highest one. I peeked backstage and I could see her clutching Lucas's shoulder tightly in anticipation. When our eyes met I held out a thumbs up and she smiles in return. 

"Second runners up goes to.. Emily Jones and Margaret Wilson!" the emcee beams. The pair squeals and runs up to the stage to claim their trophy and to take a picture. Since this was one of the highest and top divisions, they were given a chance to do a small speech. 

"Oh my god" said one of the girls. "I- I really didn't expect us to win" she managed to say out of being overwhelmed. 

"This may be third place but this is such a big achievement for us. We'll work harder for the upcoming competitions and prove that we can execute much more better and beautiful performances. Thank you!" said the other one. 

"Congratulation girls" says the emcee before continuing. "Next for runners up goes to.. Adam Moore and Taylor Rich! Congratulations" he beams again and the duo runs to the stage to collect their price. 

"I can't believe this" says Adam. "This is a huge step up from last time when we got last placing and from that to this.. I can't believe this."

"A big thank you to my coaches and parents that supported and and pushed me to my limit throughout this dancing season. Will be looking forward to more competitions" said Taylor. 

"Yeah, thank you!" Adam ended the speech and passed the mic back to the emcee. 

"Alright now, the moment you all have been waiting for. Champion for America's Contemporary and Jazz Dance Championship is..."

Come on come on come on come on

 "Ruby Hansel and Lucas Gray!" the emcee beams into the mic and the two jumped up with glee. So did the crowd. Especially me. 

They went up on stage and claimed their prizes and took a photo. The judges even hugged them, that's probably how proud they were. 

"I'm shocked" she managed to say and the crowd chuckles. "We're too shocked" Lucas added and they laugh again. "A big thank you to everyone for giving me an opportunity to be part of this... amazing community of dancers. Thank you to my manager, coach and Lucas" she chuckles

"for sticking up with me after everything. Thank you to my supporters for always supporting me.. I love you" she says is a cute tone. 

"And my last thank you would be to my best friend." My breath hitched. "I actually went through some.. pretty tough stuff leading up to this competition and he was there by my side, giving me a shoulder to cry on and comforting me and always supporting me even after everything. He's actually in the crowd right now" she smiles. 

"I can't express how thankful I am to have you in my life, I don't know what would become of me if you hadn't entered. I love you!" she smiles widely and passes the mic to Lucas for his speech. 

Did.. did Ruby just confessed to me? I looked down and tried to hide the fact I'm madly blushing. This is embarrassing. I'm on cloud fucking nine in the middle of a room with hundreds of people. 

Soon the award ceremony ended so I waited outside for Ruby to finish with whatever she had to do inside. I tapped my foot impatiently, fiddling with my fingers. 

After a while of waiting I see her exiting the hall. She scans through the crowd, as if she's trying to find someone and wave my arm so she spot me. Her eyes lit up and she runs through the crowd towards me, throwing me a big hug when she reaches. 

"I'm so proud of you" I say. 

"Thank you. Seriously thank you Ethan" she mumbles into my chest and my heart warms my the million. We pull away and I was about to say something when someone interrupts us. 

"Hey babe."

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