Part 61

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"Ethan?" I stand up. He had a small smile on his face but it changed when his eyes darted towards Lucas. He looked.. angry? I'm probably just seeing things. 

"Uh can we talk?" he says. 

"Yeah sure just come-"

"Privately?" he hesitates. 

I hear the chair beside me move. "I'll be outside, okay?" Lucas gives me a reassuring smile and just before he leaves he mouths "Just talk". I nodded and he closes the door behind him. 

Ethan steps closer towards me. "I'm sorry about snapping at you on Friday. I don't know what came over me." His eyes darted around the room, probably trying to avoid my ones. 

"I should be the one saying sorry actually. For.. saying those stuff about you."

"No no, it's okay. I don't blame you actually" he chuckles.

"Well either way, we're both sorry hm? So are we okay now?" 

He nods excitingly and opened his arms. I hugged him tight to make up for the distance between us the past few days. It was the worst fucking days of my life. I felt like I was living the days before I met Ethan.. except worst. 

Now that we're okay again, I never want us to separate. 

"By the way" he breaks the comforting silence. 

I look up to him, my hands still wrapped around his waist and his on mine. "Hm?

"I didn't know there was a kissing part at the end."

"Oh, our managers put that bit in the end. They said it was only fitting because it's a love story, y'know. It was a last minute thing but we agreed anyway." 

"Ah I see" he nods. 

"Was our performance good?"

"Yeah!" his smile grows wide. "It was so good. Dang it blew me the fuck away."

I flushed. "Thanks, I panicking before it started.. I didn't know why but I calmed down at the last minute."

"You did great, trust me" he pats my back. 

"You know, I didn't think you'd come. I thought you'll sulk and ignore me until I say sorry."

"That sounds annoying" he chuckles. "But I won't do that. I don't have the heart to ignore you for too long. I'll always support you, no matter what happens."

A smile forms on my face and I lean into his chest. There was this weird comforting vibe between us that I can't put a finger on but I'm definitely not complaining. I love it.

"Oh by the way-" Ethan's words were cut off by the door swinging open. 

"Hey, award ceremony is starting soon and everyone's out" said Lucas. 

I realised I was still hugging Ethan so we both quickly pull away. "A-Am I interrupting something?" 

"No no no of course you're not" I chuckled nervously. "I'm gonna go congratulate the others. Wanna follow?" Before he could answer I grabbed his wrist and dragged him with me to meet the others. 

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