Part 81

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"Welcome back to the show, now coming in are the stars of a viral cover of Gavin James's single 'Nervous'. Please welcome, Ruby Hansel and Ethan Walls!" 

The crowd screams and cheers fill the room as Ethan and I step onto the stage and sat on the sofa prepared for guests like us. We gave the interviewer a hug as a courtesy and smiled and waved at the crowd. 

"Thank you for coming in!" he starts. 

"Thank you for having us!" I replied back. 

"So for starters, Ruby you just finished a dance competition recently winning champion didn't you?"

"Yes I did" I chuckled. 

"And now a cover of yours blew up? This must be a big thing for you!" 

"Yeah it actually is. I take singing for more as a hobby than anything else so it really surprised me at how it blew up. We both never expected any of this."

"Mhm, how did you guys meet? Have you both been friends for a while or..?"

"We're both in school actually. She's friend's with my sister so ultimately we both became friends. The cover was something we've been planning on for a while but have never actually done it until now." 

We both planned what to say based on frequently asked questions I predicted so that he doesn't panic on stage. Fortunately what I said came true, until one question. 

"So you guys are friends huh?"

I simply nodded out of response. It took me a while to realise what I just did, and it might have hurt his feelings. But this whole thing hasn't been discussed with my manager yet nor with each other whether to reveal this relationship or not. 

"A lot of people commented on the vibe of the video that claimed to be sparks of love. Do you both have any say in that?"

"I guess it's simply just the video. There's nothing going on between us" said Ethan. 

To be frank, that kinda did hurt. Fuck, what did we just do. 

The interviewer nods. "By the way, I see that you did something new to your hair, Ruby" the interviewer grins. I giggle and the show continues. 

Soon enough after a few questions the interviewer wraps up the interview and we head backstage to our dressing room. 

There was an unspoken weird tension between us. I couldn't handle it so I broke it. 

"Sorry" I blurted. 


"For not revealing our relationship. I-I'm not embarrassed of you I swear-" 

"Ruby.." he chuckles as he held me by my arms. "It's totally fine. And well it is too early to reveal our relationship anyway. With your rising fame and all, I understand. You can say the word whenever you're ready" he gives me a reassuring smile. I nodded and he pulls me into a hug. 

Although we both know that deep down it hurts that this had to be hidden. 

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