Part 35

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Afterwards we worked on our APUSH project. Ruby kept giggling for no reason and I had to calm her down multiple times because of it so it dragged our work longer than it should be. 

"Finally" she falls onto my bed. 

"Excuse me ma'am, but the bed is mine so I might have to ask you to fuck off" I crawled beside her. 

"Not happening" she smiled. I threw a pillow at her and she dodged it. 

"Are you gonna keep in touch with me after you leave?" I ask out of the blue. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" 

"Was just asking. Can't believe you're going back in two months."

"Oh yeah I am. I just realised that." 

"Dumbass" I laugh. 

"You know, I don't interact with many boys in my life."

"Why is that?" 

"First, my boyfriend-" 

Oh my god, I forgot she has a fucking boyfriend. I mentally roll my eyes. 

"-is quite protective over me and boys. He thinks I'll cheat on him so he doesn't allow me to be friends with unnecessary boys." 

"What? That's- and you just allow him to do that?"

"He's my boyfriend. Why wouldn't I?"

I controlled myself as best as I could from saying mean shit about Oliver and telling her to break up with him because I know it's gonna end up badly between me and her. 

"I don't think he should be like that. If he truly loves you he would trust you in any way. Besides, I don't think you'll have the heart to do that. And I'm not even your boyfriend." 

God, how I wished I was. I'd treat you better than that guy ever did. 

I expected her to give some snappy feedback about how I'm not supporting her relationship and stuff but instead she kept quiet and hummed. 

"I don't really think about my relationship with my boyfriend. We're kind of just there and I don't do anything about it" she says defeatedly. She clearly has no sense of control of her life and it upsets me so much. 

"The only guy he lets me be around is his friends, who occasionally flirt with me and they tell him is a joke and my dance partner, Lucas." 


"There's this guy that my coach always partners me with. She says we look good together as a duo, and impression adds marks so I kinda just agree. He's a nice guy anyway." 

Now this?? You've got to be joking. It's okay, she said duo not couple.. and it's for competition reasons. Calm the fuck down Ethan you're only her friend. 

"I see. I wanna see a picture of him!" I say gleefully. Mainly to see what that darn coach really sees. 

She pulls out her phone and went through her gallery to find his picture. 

"Here." She held the screen towards me. He looked.. good looking. He had wavy chocolate hair and had freckles and eyes almost similar to Ruby's. Not gonna lie, they both do look like a match. 

Fuck, only if I looked like him. 

What kinda threw me off was the fact in the picture he was holding her by the waist, the both of them smiling ever so happily. 

"He's good looking" I say. 

"Yeah I guess. I don't really look at people's looks so I don't have a say in it."

"Do you think you're gonna pair up with him more?"

"Yeah, I have a feeling for my next like duet or in three I'm gonna be with him. Because he's also planning to go on full contemporary and modern dance." 

"Ah okay, that's nice. You kinda know who your partner is gonna be and you can be more comfortable when you're dancing" I say, trying to ignore the burning jealousy inside me and making myself look as calm as possible.

"I agree."

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