Part 23

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We walk down the sidewalk. It's almost noon so it's starting to get warmer as the minutes pass by.

"Is that the grocery store?" he points towards a Martins down the block.

"Yeah. But I need to go to the bank first."

"You what?"

"I need to deposit money. I can't do groceries without cash."

"No I know that but.. don't your parents give you money?"

"You ask too many questions."

"Instead of dodging them you could just- answer you know."

I could feel my blood boiling. Just like every time I talk to him.

He just can't. Stop. Being. Annoying.

I took a deep breath, trying to control my urge to choke him out of annoyance.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that" I quietly mumble.

We made our way to the bank and I asked him to wait outside while I deposit money. Afterwards we headed to Martins.

"So, what are we buying today?"

"What we don't have."

"Don't you have a list?"

"No. I don't need it."

"What if you forget? Who knows if you need this jar of salt for a dish you're about to make tonight" he pulls out a random spice jar from a shelf.

"First, that's baking soda. Second, I have plenty spice at home so I don't need any."

"Then what do you need? What if you overspend? That'll be tragic."

"I wanna be able to think straight while I'm shopping for groceries but with you giving me a hard time by asking me a thousand unnecessary questions definitely isn't helping. Please help me out here" I said, none of it meant as a joke.

I let my eyes carefully skim through each aisle, processing every item in my brain whether I need it or not. I grab a bag of Cadbury Hot Chocolate powder and put it in my cart.

"Hot chocolate?" he asks.

"Yeah." Duh.

"I suggest you should buy this." He grabs a jar of Hersheys Unsweetened Cocoa.

"But then I need sugar to come with it."

"Then you buy sugar." He grabs a bag of grinded sugar and placed it in the cart along with the jar of cocoa powder.

"But the Cadbury one is more convenient. And I don't have time to brew my own cup of hot chocolate instead of just putting a packet with hot water."

"Then you make time. It's easier than it seems to be. I'll show you how to do it when we get back home."

"But the price-"

"It's worth splurging for. Trust me."

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