Part 80

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We spent the rest of the day, chilling in the living room sofa talking and catching up about everything whilst watching tv. Well, mainly talking because the show was boring as hell.

Then, I received a call from my manager. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Hello Ruby! You are gonna love what I'm about to tell you" she says excitedly. 

I roll my eyes. "Another interview? Can we cancel that, I've been to enough."

"Well, actually yes it's a talk show but it's about your cover."

"Cover?" I turn to Ethan and he mouths to put the speaker on. "What do you mean?"

"You're cover with Ethan Walls! It's blown up." We both widened our eyes at the news. 


"Yes! Fans are going crazy over the cover and are reposting everywhere! A talk show is calling you and Ethan in for an interview, and there are probably much more to come." 

"A-Alright, just text me the details." 

"Alright" she says and ends the call. 

"Oh my fucking god this is crazy!" Ethan squeals in excitement. 

"You didn't tell me our cover blew up!" I said. 

"If I knew I would've told you!" he defended and turned on his phone to look at his account. It was posted on Instagram, and he only had around 200 followers, which now reached above 2000 in a span of one week. 

"Our cover has over 3 million views!" he exclaims and I jump at the news. 

"This is crazy!" We scrolled through the comments and they all commented about the chemistry and the vibe of the video, also our vocals. 

'The way Ethan looks at Ruby.. they are so in love🙄🙄🤤'

'I LOVE their voices 😍😍😍'

'They are so perfect for each other.... the look in their eyes says it all' 

We smiled at the comments. "See, I told you your voice is amazing! Around 100,00 people said so" I smirked. 

He was very hesitant and insecure before posting the cover. His voice was truly the most beautiful thing I've heard in my life, and he just couldn't see that. 

"Now that our cover blew up, it's only fitting that we do more" I slyly suggested. 

He rolls his eyes. "Later." I giggle at his response. It excites my heart to know that.. I kinda see where our future is headed. 


author's note

WOAAA its insane to me how we're at part 80 !! a big thank u to everyone who supports my book and has read this far.. ya'll the realest 😤😤 i hope this book turns out good anyway enjoy the rest bit :)) i'll come back when we've reached the end part. SEE YOU ♡ <3

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