Part 12

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ruby's pov

"Look, I've never been the type of person to get annoyed or irritated or even mad at someone. Trust me, my boyfriend's friends aren't the type you'd get along with quickly but Ethan.. I'm literally gonna lose my mind" I rant. 

"Calm down" Hazel chuckles. "My stepbrother can be like that sometimes. I'm sorry on his behalf for making your experience here so far.. bumpy"

"No no no, you don't need to apologise or I'll feel bad. Anyway, let's stop talking about him." 

"Sounds like a plan" she giggles. "Oh, I want to know some insights of your whole dancing career. I've been dying to know how you got to where you are now."

"Dancing career? I've never put it that way but sure I'll tell" I chuckle. "Um, well it's not much actually. I've been dancing since I could even remember, took classes when I was.. 5 maybe? Entered my first competition a year later, won champion for the first time when I was 8, got into the national team when I was 12, entered my first international competition when I was 14 or 15. Then won several competitions afterwards and here I am" 

"That seemed more like summary than anything else"

"I guess, I mean for interviews and stuff I get questions like these all the time so it's pretty much engraved in my head. But I say it in a more.. invested way rather than like I'm memorising a script"

"I see. What dances do you take?"

Before I could answer, a voice interrupts me. "Hah! Having a conversation without me hm?" says Ethan, purposely taking a seat next to me. 

I roll my eyes. "I'd rather."

"Anyway, I heard the word 'script', are you an actress now? Why don't you join our drama club? And you never told me that dancing wasn't your only talent" he smirks. 

I took a deep breath. "What was your question, Hazel?" I say purposely ignoring his remarks. 

"You haven't answered mine yet!" he pouts annoyingly. 

"If you can't tell, I don't want to" I growl. 

"That's not very nice."

"You've been nothing but 'not nice' to me, so I think it's fair enough"

"Me? I gave-"

"Okay okay, that's enough" cuts Hazel. That's when I realise she's been there this whole time, awkwardly being the third wheeler in our squabble. God, how embarrassed I was for her. 

"You, don't meddle too much in our conversation" she points her finger at Ethan. I gave him a winning smirk, proving a point on what I've been trying to come across from our last conversation. 

His mouth gapes open in surprise, giving questioning glares at Hazel. 

"She's a on a student programme and is under my supervision, so it's my responsibility to give her a smooth experience. She's an easygoing girl, don't make my job difficult" 

"Easygoing??" he chuckles in disbelief. "Biased much?"

"You could always leave ya know. The entrance to the halls is right there and you are welcomed to leave this field any time" I grinned.

"Just because she's a-" he was about to go off but Hazel, being the saviour she is interrupts.

"No no, I don't want to hear it." She moves her gaze back to me. "Anyway, back to my unanswered question, what type of dances do you take?"

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