Part 75

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It has been a few hours since I've been staring at this blank ceiling, trying to connect the dots as to what just happened. But I couldn't. It was the first time dad acknowledged my presence other than wanting me to be in my room so that his business friend doesn't see me. 

I was dying to know what was stopping him from kicking me out. I mean, I don't actually  want to be kicked out but I can't help but wonder. 

But even if I did get kicked out I could always just go to Ruby's. Maybe. 

Speaking of the devil, my phone chimed. I knew there was no one else than Ruby in my contacts that would text me so I jolt out of my bed to grab my phone. 

ruby<3: hey! i just wanna tell you that i won't be in school next week bc i have several interviews i need to attend. 

I frowned. 

me: awh what :(( now im sad

I could almost hear her chuckling from over the text and the thought made me smile. 

ruby<3: im also not too sure about the next week to.. but according to my manager im gonna be busy :/
ruby<3: technically it's your fault bc hadn't you dragged me right after my competition, i could've attended SOME interviews and i wouldn't have to completely drag it to the next week

me: but hadn't i dragged you right after your competition we wouldn't be dating, now would we? :)

ruby<3: you're annoying. 

I chuckle. 

me: thanks for the compliment. anyway wanna call tonight? 

ruby<3: can't, i have dinner with my manager and my coach and Lucas and his manager.. all those people. next time okay? :)) 

me: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
me: fine. you are forgiven. enjoy your dinner!! 

ruby<3: thank you!! 

I paused as I was about to type the next word, but I mentally said fuck it and sent. 

me: i love you :( <3

ruby<3: I LOVE YOU TOO :( 
ruby<3: damn our frowns after our 'i love you' just brought us to another level in our relationship

me: we do it like no other.

ruby<3: BHAHAHHA OKAY anyway gtg byee

me: bye! 

I turned off my phone. I wanted to hear her soothing voice, and comforting words when I tell her what happened between my dad and I. But I guess that just had to wait. 

As if on cue, me door knocks and a familiar voice that I haven't heard in what felt like ages followed. 

"Ethan? You there?" 

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