Part 25

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ethan's pov

We took another 30 minutes of grocery shopping and got back home.

"It was easy now wasn't it?" I said.

"Yeah, I usually take a few hours to grocery shop because I suck at making decisions."

"Now you have me, you no longer have to spend those hours on fuckin groceries" I chuckle. I stopped when I realised what I just said.

"I-I mean, you can always you know- hit me up when you wanna do some groceries. That's what I meant, yeah" my chuckle turned to a nervous one.

Ruby looks at me weirdly before a laugh escapes her lips.

Which was in fact, the most beautiful echony I've ever heard.

"Your a weird one Ethan. And yes I knew what you meant."

"Oh I know that! Just tryna clarify."

"Okay" she mumbles. "Before I forget, teach me your hot chocolate recipe."

"Ah yes of course!" I rummaged through the bags to find the milk, cocoa powder and sugar.

"So actually I've never tried this recipe with almond milk before so I don't really know how its gonna turn out" I nervously admitted.

"That's fine. At least I'm not the only one trying something new" she smiles.

I expected a hit in the shoulder and a scold for most probably wasting her money but instead I receive a smile??

This single act just made me fall in love with her even more than I already do, and it definitely just multiplied the fluttering butterflies in my stomach to another thousand. I tired my hardest to not smile like an idiot.

"Let's get started shall we?"

"Here are the steps on how to make Ethan's Infamous Hot Chocolate! First you take your desired mug. Today I chose this lovely yellow one with little chickies on it" God Ethan, you sound like an idiot.

"Is this a cooking show now?" she snickers.

"Showing how to make hot chocolate can be boring. What's the wrong in doing it in a more fun and lively way?"


"Exactly. Now if you don't mind I will continue." I do the classic dramatic clearing your throat sound.

"Next you take a tablespoon and put in three spoonfuls of your Hersheys Unsweetened Cocoa Powder and two tablespoons of grinded sugar."

"Now you pour in hot water to about three quarters full and stir until it dissolves."

"You know my usual Cadbury Hot Chocolate mix takes a whole 2 minutes less-"

"Shh! Do not interrupt my show" I snapped.

"After it has dissolved you add in milk until the rim and you're done! What I like to do is add big marshmallow and heat it in the microwave for 15 seconds! But you can drink it like this."

"Now you do it."

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