Part 74

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When I arrived back home it was past 3. I didn't waste time to immediately go upstairs to my room but in there was someone in there whom I didn't expect. 

"Dad?" It felt like ages since he was in my room, or even acknowledged my presence other than when his business friend is over. The word even felt weird rolling off my tongue. 

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask. 

"Just a reminder, this is my house too."

I tried my best to not roll my eyes. I walked past him and laid down on my bed. 

"You haven't been in the house a lot for the past few months" he says. 

"Isn't that a good thing? That I'm not rotting in this house?"

"It's odd that it's all of a sudden. Are you seeing someone?" 

"What if I am?" I could already feel where this conversation is heading. "Get straight to the point, dad" I say. 

"Fine. You skipped detention didn't you?" 

I sigh. I knew there was something behind all this. "Yes, I did. Why does that concern you?"

He slams his hand on my table. "If I was your normal uncle this wouldn't be a problem. But I'm the goddamn headmaster!" he beams. 

"Oh no.. did the school complain to you about your son's- no niece's naughty behaviour?" I mock. "I'll just do extra on Monday. Don't make such a big deal about it." 

As shit as I sound there was no way I'm gonna be nice to this dude. 

"It's a big deal because you are my niece!" He sighs and closes his eyes out of frustration. "Please don't be a burden to me. Behave like you've always been" he warns. 

"What do you mean behave like I've always been?? You mean being passive and quiet and a fucking vegetable?? Is that behave to you?" I raised my voice. 

"Don't cuss at me or you will get it."

"Get what? Oh no I'm terrified" I say and his jaw clenches. "You could've just left me at the foster home for me to rot. Then I wouldn't be such a burden hm? For the whole years I've been living here you've never genuinely acknowledged my presence. You don't care about me."

"At least I took you in! Can't you appreciate something as meaningful as that?"

I scoffed, again. "So what? I'm supposed to hang onto the fact that the most and only thing you've done for me is taking me in? Is that what you want me to think?"

"Do you want to get kicked out??" he raised his voice ever so fiercely but I managed to stand my ground. 

"I would love that actually!"

"Then get-" Just as I was about to hear those glorious words come out of his mouth, he squeezes his mouth shut as if he was holding it back.  

"What are you waiting for? Fucking kick me out!"

He takes a deep breath. "If you create trouble again and ruin my name you will suffer consequences worse than getting kicked out."

Like the rebellious teen I am I wanted to challenge his anger, adding fuel to the fire but he left before I could say anything. 

"What the hell.." I muttered under my breath. 

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