Part 40

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ethan's pov

I stopped my bicycle in the middle of this football field. 

"What is this place?" she asks as she looks around even though there's really nothing to look around here. 

"An abandoned football field. This is actually an abandoned park. There's a skateboarding rink just over there and a set of swings like there" I pointed towards their directions. 

"I go here when I don't feel like going to classes" I smirked. 

"Tsk okay" she sneered.

"Let's sit here." I sat down a few metres away from my bicycle so that I'd get an open space and she follows. 

We sat there for several moments of silence as I don't say anything. I'm not planning to. 

"Aren't you gonna ask me?" she asks. 

"About?" I reply even though I clearly know what she's talking about. 

"Why I got mad at you dumbass" she chuckles. "That's the whole point we're here so that we'd be alone and I don't get to run away."

"You're so bold and confident with your words" I smirk. 

"But that's what we're here for.. right?" 

I move my gaze towards the sky. "If you want to think like that then go ahead. But I didn't bring you here for that reason."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

"You needed some sort of space and air for you to let loose. You're so pressed up with your bottled life that if you don't do something about it something worse is gonna happen."

She fell silent and looked at me amused. I knew if I turned to look at her I'd go all mushy and gushy and blushy and fucking turn into a red tomato in front of her. I'm not ready for all the questions she'll ask so my gaze stayed at the sky. 

"You're really something Ethan" she says. 

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I finally look at her. 

She sighs. "I can't tell." 

"Just tell me everything once you're ready. I'm all ears."


author's note

hello!! it's me again * _ * how are you guys enjoying the story so far ? soo i guess i'm gonna come back every 10 chapters :]
(by the way, this whole book is pre written, means that i published it as a whole and not per chapter. sorry if your questions from previous chapters aren't answered i'll answer anything and everything at the end !!)
thank you for reading till this far, it rly means a lot 2 me ♡♡♡ until next time ♡☆°^°☆♡

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