Part 84

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ethan's pov 

I stopped my bicycle once we reached the destination. 

"A lake??" she says. 

"Yeah, we can stay here all night" I smiled. "Or we can go home in a couple hours. Doesn't really matter."

"I seriously ponder sometimes about how you know these places." 

"I already said my reasons! I like to wander around and coincidentally come across places like these."

We sat down by the bank of the lake. It was a perfect scenery. The sun as setting creating an orange hue around us, the calming sounds of the water and most importantly, us. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. 

Just as I had expected, she rests her head on my chest. This was the moment I had always romanticised and now that it is actually happening, I can't help the big dumb smile on my face. 

"Do you want me to admit it?" I ask. 

"Admit what?"

"My big fat crush on you." 

"Didn't you tell me this already?"

"I did, but I wanna tell you everything" I say. "I fell for you the first time I saw you. I think we were in 3rd or 4th Grade, I don't remember. It was before the time you gained your popularity. We had a few classes together and I still remember how I'd admire your silky hair and fragile face.  

And the way you'd laugh when the teacher cracks up a joke. Or the way you'd get annoyed when the teacher gives extra homework. I could admire you everyday and would never get bored. 

Then you appeared on tv and became popular in school because of it. I still remember your flustered face when everyone came up to you and bombarded you with questions. All of your features are fucking stunning, Ruby. 

But when Eve and Alex became friends with you, those expressions lessened. I didn't see them as frequently as when you weren't with them and it saddened me. Made me hate them too. 

I didn't know if you remembered, but we did talk for a bit. We were lab partners for Science class and I was the happiest boy alive when the teacher assigned us. You probably don't remember because it was years ago but that memory was fresh in my mind.

We only talked a bit because you were always so focused during the class. And one day I gathered up the courage to actually talk to you but it crumbled down when Oliver confessed to you during lunch. 

I was probably the only one that realised it but your face said it all. You didn't want it. You're not in love with him. But you accepted anyway, which shattered my heart. The same week I received news that I'm gonna move to a new school, so I thought of it as a chance to move on."

"But that didn't happen" she looked up to me.

I held my breath in at how close our faces were. We've kissed countless of times yet moments like this still managed to take my breath away. 

"Clearly" I chuckled. She laughs and leans in for a kiss. 

I kiss back with the same passion, our lips moving in sync. We soon break the heated kiss to breath for air. 

"I can't stand hearing your story. You're gonna give my heart a fucking seizure."

I chuckled. "You don't know how lucky I feel right now. You do know that I'm never letting us go, right?"

She sighs. "I do feel like that too, but we're teenagers. There's years to come upon us. Who knows what's gonna happen." 

I tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. "You'll see what I mean when I propose to you one day. You just wait." 

Her face lights up. "I hate how cheesy you are."

"You call that cheesy?" I laugh. "I was just telling you my plans" I shrug. 

She rolls her eyes and hits my shoulder. "You know what, maybe I'm never gonna let you go too" she smiles. 

"Promise?" I held out my pinky and without hesitation she intertwines her pinky with mine. 

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