Part 27

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ruby's pov 

I could somewhat sense he didn't want to talk about his mum, for.. whatever the reason behind it is so I stopped from asking any further questions. 

We finished up our hot cocoa whilst talking about random things. 

"Do you actually wanna start on APUSH?" I ask. 

"What do you think?" 


"There you have it."

I chuckle. "Then what should we do? I don't really have any fun stuff to do here. I don't have board games or video games or anything of the sort."

"Then do you just rot all day?"

"Funny. But I do homework and watch movies on my laptop." 

"Then let's do that." 

"What? Homework? I thought you didn't want to do APUSH."

"Obviously not homework dumbass. Movies. Let's watch movies." 

"Are you seriously here just to watch movies?"

"Not my fault you don't have any other entertainment options" he smirks. Wow, he's really enjoys making me annoyed huh?

"Fine then. Let's go to my room." We headed towards my room and I grabbed my laptop from under my sheets. 

"Wow your room is a mess" he says while looking around. 

"Am I supposed to be sorry? Cause I'm not." 

"Didn't expected you to be." 

"Do you have any movie suggestions?"

He shakes his head. "Not at the moment."

"Then can you think of one?"

He pauses for a minute before shaking his head again. "Nothing in mind."

"Okay." I mumbled and clicked on a movie before placing it on the bed at a view for both of us to see.

"I've been wanting to watch this movie for a while now and I kinda forgot about it until just now."

"You didn't need to ask me for suggestions if you already have one in mind."

"Stop asking about everything."

"As if you don't do the exact same" he smirks gleefully. 

"I will whack you."

"I dare you to."

"I wanna watch this movie, Ethan" I shushed him and we moved our gaze towards my computer screen. 

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