Part 87

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Tomorrow was my last day of my piano lessons. I was supposed to do basic piano songs as every first timers should but the teacher saw my passion and hard work for singing so she suggested that I should play a song. 

I agreed excitedly without any hesitation and it has been going extremely well. I've been picking up the notes fast and now the only thing I have to do is practise the whole song. 

I was mainly excited to show it to Ruby. The thought of us doing a duet with me playing the piano as the music makes me jump and squeal in glee. 

Speaking of her, she still hasn't answered any of my calls or text. I was scared that I'd sound clingy or over-protective but I can't help but worry. 

I decided to send her a voicemail now that she isn't responding to anything. 

"Hey.. you're not answering any of my calls or texts. When you get this please call me, I'm worried" I say and ended the voicemail. 

I let out a sigh and walked back home to spend the rest of the day with my mom. 

"Hey mom" I said when I entered the room. She was sleeping in my room temporarily until we get a new stay, apparently. 

"Hello, how was class?"

"Good" I said. "Can I ask you something about my dad?" 

She didn't seemed surprise with my sudden question, instead she was calm. "Go ahead."

"Do you remember who is?"

She chuckles. "No, probably another sneaky customer that poked a hole in his condom for fun but manages to get away with it." 

"What sucks is that you look exactly like him. So if he ever comes across you one day he would immediately remember the time he paid for a prostitute and made a hole in his condom on purpose. It's fine, at least you're handsome" she smiles and pinches my cheeks. 

I chuckle in response and pulled her into a hug. "You don't know how lonely I was the past years I lived here. The only person I have was Hazel, then Ruby came and now you. I can't imagine a life more perfect than this.." 

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