Part 36

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"Anyway, I wanna ask" says Ruby.

"Go on." 

"What do you mean by dream girl when you said earlier?" she asks. 

I gulped. Maybe I shouldn't have been too forward with my words. 

"You know, the beautiful girl with a heart more beautiful than her appearance. The girl that everyone loves and looks up to."

"Oh, have anyone in mind?" she smirks. 

"No" I bluntly answer. "Haven't found her yet."

"What're you gonna do when you've found her?"

"Make her mine, duh." 

"You're saying it as if girls are easy to capture. That dream girl probably already has a boyfriend if everyone loves her so much." You would know

"I'm obviously not gonna go into detail and tell you my plan on how I'm gonna make her mine. You just sit back and watch how I get my girl" I smirk boastfully. 

"Confident, I see" she raises an eyebrow. "Will I get to know who the girl is?"

"Of course!" I smile to myself. 

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