Part 15

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"So, what's so important until you just had to follow me to the convenience store? Normal Ethan wouldn't even think twice about following me. Let me guess, is this about-" 

"Yes" I cut her off. "I just- need some advice on self improvement. What do I need to do in order to make her like me?"

She chuckles. "You embarrass me." 

"Are you gonna help or not?"

"Of course I am! First of all, stop being so nosy. Even I wouldn't like it if someone were to poke noses in everything I do. She needs personal space as much as you do."

"But I'm not nosy! I'm just- curious.." I defended.

"Exactly. You know what they say; 'Curiosity kills the cat'. So if you want her to have somewhat interest in you stop doing that."

"Fine" I huff. "What else?"

"Hm, there's not really anything else. You're already okay, if I tell you to change this and that you won't be yourself anymore. Just charm her with your personality. Not obnoxiously though. Slowly and may I repeat, slowly get close to her and if it's meant to be, she'll fall for you."

"Meant to be??" By this time we had already reached the convenience store. "Your saying it as if it's a 50/50 chance."

"I can't confirm she's gonna like you. You make sure of that." 

"Speaking of the devil" she smirks, her eyes darted towards the other side of the convenience store. 

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