Part 4

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The weekend passed by pretty fast, or slow I couldn't tell the difference. All I did was sit in bed and finished up a series on Netflix. 

But before I knew it 3 months at Cali West High came around and now I'm in front of my dresser trying to pick an outfit. 

I decided on a big pink sweater with black jeans. The sweater itself covered until almost below my butt so it suited along the dress code. 

I grab my book bag and headed towards the kitchen. 

I live with my mom in this apartment, but she works as a maid for this really rich couple exactly two hours away from here and she only gets a few days off once every few months. So I had to live alone which was fine with me, sometimes my aunt would come visit but she has been doing that a lot less recently because.. well I'm about to enter college so I told her it was unnecessary to visit often. 

And I needed privacy, she's really.. fussy and nosy when it comes to handling things so with her out of the way it was much more peaceful. 

I grabbed the cereal box from the fridge and sat on the kitchen table. I opened my email where there was a document of everything I needed to know on this programme. 

The first page was it's location. I live a walk away from my school but this.. Cali West High already seems far away from here and I had to make a mental sketch on the destination and the bus stops that I had to go to. 

It took a while to put the pieces together but I finally did. 

"So it's.. two bus stops away from here IF I'm there on time. That's not that bad I guess. I just have to be super punctual for the next three months and I'd have something checked off my worry list. Or.. not." 

I sighed at the hassle and opened my apps that had unread notifications. Some were from iMessages, people had text me good luck on my first day. Some that I semi knew, some that I didn't, several from Oliver's friends and one from Alex. But none from Eve and Oliver. 

Whatever. They're probably sleeping. Or not ,my subconscious adds in. 

I grabbed my bag and keys and made my way to the bus stop. 

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