Part 16

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I followed of her eyes and it was Ruby, she was looking through an aisle but she hasn't noticed us yet. 

"Oh my god. You knew she'd be here don't you" I whisper, half thanking her. 

"Please, I have better things to do than to stalk her. Is a thank you too much to ask?"

I roll my eyes. "What are you waiting here for? Go to her!" being the bitch she is, she pushes me towards her and I stumble right next to Ruby. 

"Ethan?? What are you doing here?" she asks. 

"M-Me?" I stutter. Damn you Ethan. 

"I-I'm here to get some snacks. This is my neighbourhood anyways."

"I see."

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a convenience store where you live?"

"I've tried every snack sold there. I wanna try more."

"Hm" I look around the store. I grabbed a chip bag and showed it to her. "Here, I suggest you to try this."

"This?" she takes the bag from my hands and examines it. 

"I'm not the biggest fan of barbecue."

I widen my eyes in shock. "You aren't?? Who are you?" I tease. 

"I mean, I've only tried it once and I figured I was more of a sour cream person."

"Tsk. Once. Trust me, first taste isn't always the best. Here" I ripped the bag open and ate a chip. 

"Delicious" I smiled.

Now her eyes widened in shock. "Are you crazy" she whisper-shouted. "You haven't paid for this yet! Are you trying to get kicked out??"

"Chill out" I chuckled. "-it's not like I'm gonna get arrested plus I'll pay for it later."

I smirked. "You haven't experienced a lot of things huh? Like eating a bag of chips before you pay it even though you're gonna pay it later."

"Shut up" she hissed. 

"It's not a crime anyway. Here" I handed her a chip and she hesitantly ate it. 

She slowly ate it, savouring the taste. "Good?"

She hums in response. Her face lits up for a bit before goes expressionless again. Probably trying to hide the fact that she likes it. 

"Want more?" I smirk. 

She bites her lip nervously and snatches the bag from my grip. 

"You like it huh?" 

"It's good" she eats up the bag of chips one by one. I watched as her cheeks turn like puffs as she eats the snack, a small smile crept up to my face. 

"You know, we gotta pay for this" she says with a mouthful. 

I roll my eyes, "You keep ruining the moment"

"What moment?" 

My eyes widened. Fuck. Ethan why do you have to be so careless with your words..

"N-Nothing. I'll pay now" I grab the half empty bag and brought it to the cashier. 

"No! I ate most of it so it'd be fair if I paid for it"

"It's my treat and I'm positive you know what treat is so stay where you are."

"No!" she insisted as she followed me, stomping as she go. 

I roll my eyes to what seemed like the tenth time today. I quickly turn to face her. "Why are you so stubb-"

I paused when I realised we're a breath apart. Again. My breathing stops, but my heart beats a million times faster. I took this opportunity to take in her features up close, because moments like these don't happen everyday. 

From the faint line beside her mouth from smiling too much and the milky texture of her skin, making her look like the most eternal person on earth to her eyes that glowed like the world depended on it, the entire galaxy was held in those pair of eyes that can't be compared with the ones we see every night. 

Her face looked so fragile and soft I had to fight the urge to gently hold her face in my hands and kiss those plump rosy tinted lips, cherishing every moment I had. And her hair, I can't get enough of how she'd always run her fingers through her hair testing my patience to put my own fingers in her hair, braiding it or tucking a strand behind her ear. 

The moments that passed by seemed to slow down, and we were interrupted when a customer walked in, ringing the loud bell awakening us from our moment. 

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