Part 70

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ethan's pov

Ruby called me earlier and asked me to come over so I quickly cycled to her house and arrived 15 minutes later. I knock on the door and she immediately opens.

"Hey!" I smile and pull her into a hug. 

"Hi" she smiles back. "I broke things off with Oliver."

"Oh you did??" Finally, a weight lifted off my chest. "That's great, I can finally hang out with you without the guilt of you dating someone. Although, I forget that you have a boyfriend sometimes" I chuckled. 

"Me too honestly. Let's go to my room." I nod and follow her inside. 

When we entered her bedroom I laid down on her bed. "Was he mad about it?" I ask. 

"He couldn't accept it at first, but we sort things out at the end" she replies and crawls beside me. 

I couldn't help but wonder how they sorted things out, seeing that Oliver is a very egoistic person. But all that mattered to me that I can finally be with Ruby. 

"I'm glad. I thought he was gonna threaten you to not break up with him or something" I sighed in relief. "Did he mention my name?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it, okay? Everything is settled, so let's leave it in the past. What's important now is that I can be your girlfriend, and you can be my-"

"Boyfriend" I smiled. "Out of all the things I imagined you would say or do when we date, all the things you did was never what I had expected."

She gasps dramatically. "You've been imagining us dating?"

My eyes widened. "N-No I haven't."

She smirks. "Someone had a crush on me for a long time."

"You're thinking too highly of yourself." 

"Just admit it" she smiles cheekily. 

"Fine, maybe I did have a crush on you for a long time." I tried to look away from her so that she doesn't have to see my face which was as red as a tomato. I felt her head rest on my thigh and I couldn't help but look down. 

She had that magical sparkle in her eyes as her cheekbones risen. I've watched a lot of romance movies in my life, trying to feel the love the two lead characters shared just so that I could get a hint of what it feels like to be mutually in love with someone. 

But the gaze that we're both sharing right now is no where compared to any scenes I've watched. This felt too real, so beautiful and I could almost picture our future in those mesmerising eyes. 

"You had a crush on me hm?" she says. 

"I already admitted it to you, I don't need to repeat it." 

"For how long?"

"When I first saw you."

"Middle school??"

"Y-Yeah" I stuttered. "God this is embarrassing."

"Wow, and only confess to me now?"

"Correction, yesterday." She rolls her eyes at my statement. "Plus even if I did confess to you back then, I wouldn't have a chance anyway and it would only break my heart even more than the fact it's a one-sided love."

"Why do you always win against these stuff?"

"Because you ask ridiculous questions and I give logical answers" I shrug. 

"Fine" she laughs and I laugh along. 

"Would you call me crazy if I said that I see a future in us?" I ask. 

She nods. "Why?" I pout. 

"Because I saw a future in me and Oliver and looked who I ended up with."

"But I'm different from Oliver. I can already imagine myself sliding a ring into your finger."

"Be right back I wanna puke" she rolls her eyes and I simply laugh.


author's note 

AAAAAAAAA i cant believe we're at part 70 !1!1!1! this is actually a big thing for me considering i always ditch my books halfway writing it (guilty !!) thank you so much for reading this far (ya'll are legends <3) hope you read til the end ♡♡ until next time ♡♢•_•♢♡

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